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People communicate mainly with words. Your words _____71____

People communicate______72____         If you want to say something or ask in class,

you need to___73__.

People also receive messages from ___74_____

People communicate ____ __75______. Books, magazines, TV, radio and films can

help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.

VIII . 句子翻译(共15分)

(A) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译。(76---80每小题1分,整81---85,每小题2分)

76. 我想知道他的叔叔离开家多久了。I wonder__________________ his hometown.

77. 他们跳舞跳得如此开心以至于他们忘了时间。

They danced ____________they forgot ____________________.

78. 据说,现在的机器人被制作得就像真人一样逼真。

It’s said that a robot ______________look just like ____________________ at present.

79. 这个游戏特地设计适合学生玩。

The game  ______________for the students to play.

80. 我哥哥以前宁愿把机器人还给商店,也不愿自己修理机器人。

In the past my brother _______________________________________ to fixing it himself.

81. 人们不大注意交通灯。____________________________________________________.

82. 有必要给学生们上一堂安全方面的课了。______________________________________.

83. 我的美国朋友昨天给我打了电话。我们聊了好几个小时。

_________________________ .

