



ks not easy to get used to another country’s customs, but before you visit a country, you'd better learn how to behave properly at table.

In China, it's rude to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl. And you are not supposed to point at anyone with your chopsticks. When you finish eating, place them on top of the bowl. And you should never stick your chopsticks into the food.

When in India, do as the Indians do. In India, you are expected to eat with your right hand. That's because Indians think the left hand is "dirty".  (When you shake hands with an Indian, you should also use your right hand. )

In France, you are not supposed to put your bread on your plate. Instead, you should put it on the table. And when you eat fruit, you should cut it up and eat it with a fork. In France, don’t eat anything With your hands except bread.


(    )56.In China, when you are full, what should you do?

(    )57.Indians probably think it’s        to eat with the left hand.

A. important      B. impolite       C. necessary      D. wise

(    )58. Where do French people put their bread?

A. On the table.    B. On a plate.   C. In a bowl.       D. In a cup.

(    )59. What do French people use to eat fruit?[

A. Chopsticks.      B. A knife.         C. A spoon.        D. A fork.

(    )60. What's the reading mainly about?

A. How to serve at table.               B. How to use forks and chopsticks.

C.Some fantastic countries to visit.       D. Eating customs in some countries.


Emily is so happy. Today is her birthday.

.  "We are playing a birthday game;" her brother said. "   61   Here is your first clue(线索). :  He gave Emily a small piece of paper.  It read,  " Look inside the car. " So she did.  62   Emily took off the note and began to read, "Go to the front porch. " So   Emily rushed there and found a bag of dog food with another note. She quickly read the  note: "Look in the house by the back door. "    63  .  " Hmm," she thought, "a dog  bone, dog food, and a dog's leash-:  but we don’t even have a dog. "'The note on the  leash said, “Go outside. " So Emily did. She saw a red doghouse! "That must be my  next clue," she thought.  64   But before she got there, a little brown puppy ran up  to her. "Oh, a puppy!" she cried. And she saw a note arid it said: "Happy Birthday,  Emily! Emily was so happy!

She loved her new little puppy.  "I will name her Happy, because it has made me so  happy today," Emily said.   65    .

"Thank you," she said with a smile.  “This is the best birthday I've ever had!



A. She began to walk there.

B. You have to find your gift

C. She found a dog bone with another note.

D. She gave her mom, dad and brother a big hug.

E. Emily went to the back door and there was a dogs leash (皮带)

61.            62.             63.             64.             65.



Happy   weekend    excited    arrive    with   until

run    final  because    I   leave    prepare

Darcy became unhappy after he moved to the new house in town with us. He had  got used to   66  . free on my grandpa's farm.  But in the new house, he was chained (拴住) in the backyard.

Grandpa said he could keep Darcy on the farm and that we could go back to see Darcy every   67  . But I couldn't give up my dog for five days a week!

In the evenings Mom and I walked Darcy together    68    it took both of us to hold  him back. What he wanted to do was running.

.    At last, Friday came. After nearly two hours  drive, we    69    at Grandpa's  farm. It was exciting to see Grandpa again, but the greatest thing was to watch Darcy  run free on the farm. He was so   70   ;

Two days later, it was time to    71   .  1 never saw a dog change as quickly as Darcy did.  He looked at me   72    a very sad expression.  I looked away and pushed him into the car.

As we drove down the road, I found Darcy's eyes lift to mine, then away, and

73  back to mine. He gave me his saddest expression. I couldn't stand to see him so unhappy.

I asked Mom to stop the car and got off it. Darcy followed    74   .

"I’ll miss you.”I hugged Darcy. "Now, go home, Darcy!

Darcy turned around quickly. He yelped (叫)   75   as he rushed towards Grandpa's farm.

