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for ?

[误] I wanted to go to the pub for having a drink.?

[正] I wanted to go to the pub for a drink.?

[正] I wanted to go to the pub to have a drink.?

[析] 用for表示目的时,其后面只能接名词,而不要接动名词。?

[误] I went to the office for seeing the headmaster.?

[正] I went to the office to see the headmaster.?

[析] 用不定式来表示动作的目的。?

[误] I will leave Beijing to Shanghai.?

[正] I will leave Beijing for Shanghai.?

[正] I will leave for Shanghai.?

[析] leave for为一固定搭配,不要改动。?

[误] I bought a book to you.?

[正] I bought a book for you.?

[误] He is a friend for us.?

[正] He is a friend to us.?

[析] 在英文中"为"一词在泛指时用to, 在特指时要用for.?

[误] This food is good to us.?

[正] This food is good for us.?

[析] 词组be good (bad) for 表示"对……有好(坏)处"。?

[误] For I was feeling quite hungry, I wanted to have lunch.?

[正] I wanted to have lunch, for I was feeling quite hungry.?

[析] for作为"因为"讲时一般不要置于句首,而且口气也比because弱的多。



