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A) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。

39.  Tell me _______ (true) what you think of our plan.

40.  Jack, you are a little fat now, and you will get _________ (fat) if you still like eating fast food.

41.  We all know that Shanghai lies in the___________ (east) part of China.

42.  —Do you know how Jim is feeling today?

—Oh, not well. He’s gone to the hospital for special __________ (treat).

43.  You’d better take an umbrella with you so that you won’t be _________ (catch) in the rain.

B) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。

44.  If someone is _____________ (没礼貌), we mean that they are rather rude and do not have good manners.

45.  He lives on the___________ (十二) floor. I live three floors above him.

46.  How much will each receive if the three apples are divided _______ (在……中) the three boys?

47.  Now it is very easy for people to go ______________ (无论哪里) they like because of the high-speed train.

48.  In ancient ________ (时代), man tried many different ways to write numbers.


49. —I hear that Sam has gone to Beijing for his holiday.

—Oh, how nice! Do you know when he ________ (leave)?

50. —What’s wrong with my computer, Jim?

—Let me see. Oh, it _________ (break) down. You’d better ask Mr. Li to mend it.

51.  The reporter said that the UFO _________ (travel) from east to west when he saw it.

52.  Look! The teenagers are making cards ________ (show) love for their mothers.

53.  -That important problem __________ (discuss) for nearly two weeks.

-Yes, it’s hard for us to solve it.

