眼过千遍不如手写一遍,精品学习网为了帮助在校初中生,特别整理了“吉林中考试题英语范文:神奇的贝壳 The Magic Shell”一文,详情如下:
吉林中考试题英语范文:神奇的贝壳 The Magic Shell
At the beach I found a magic shell,so I brought it home in my pail;and I kept it up on my top bookshelf right under the picture whale.
And now,whenever I wish I were back there by the shining sea,I hold the shell up close to my ear,till it brings the beach to me:all the hushing sound and the rushing sound of the seashore winds and waves are caught in my shell that I brought home.
吉林中考试题英语范文:神奇的贝壳 The Magic Shell已经呈现在各位考生面前,望各位考生能够努力奋斗,成绩更上一层楼。更多精彩尽在【吉林中考网】