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Have you ever heard of Teddy bears? Teddy bears were invented by accident. In 1902, American president Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was hunting (打猎) in the forest with several of his friends. Almost everyone had successfully shot (射中) an animal, but the president   46   not. Nobody wanted to make the president look

47  , so they tied an American black bear to a   48  . They wanted the president to shoot it.

The president was very surprised to see the bear tied to a tree. He felt it was   49   to shoot the bear, because it couldn’t run away. He   50   to shoot it, and the story of his decision went over the country. Everybody was moved by the president’s beliefs (信念). There was   51   a cartoon showing the president refusing to shoot a cute bear.

It was this cartoon and the story behind the president’s hunting trip that gave Morris an idea to make a new

52  .He made a small, soft bear and showed it in his shop window. Next to the bear he made a sign that read, “Teddy’s Bear.” The new toy was a big success and it   53   Morris with the money to create a toy company.

Teddy bears have been  54   since they were first made. A teddy bear would be the first choice when people think about children’s toys. Theodore Roosevelt’s famous   55   on a hunting trip in 1902 brought millions of soft, stuffed bears. They are being loved by people across the world.

(    ) 46.A.did    B.should   C.would   D.had

(    ) 47.A.sad    B.happy   C.friendly   D.fine

(    ) 48.A.wall    B.chair    C.rock    D.tree

(    ) 49.A.difficult   B.unfair   C.dangerous   D.exciting

(    ) 50.A.wanted   B.decided   C.refused   D.went

(    ) 51.A.only   B.hardly   C.even    D.still

(    ) 52.A.company   B.toy    C.shop    D.present

(    ) 53.A.gave   B.filled    C.met    D.provided

(    ) 54.A.colorful   B.expensive   C.popular   D.boring

(    ) 55.A.decision   B.speech   C.sign    D.skill

