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Many students say that June is the best time of year. Some students don’t spend summers at home or at camp, though. That is because they go to year-round schools.

Students in some year-round schools get mini-breaks throughout the year instead of one long summer vacation. For example, students at some year-round schools get a few weeks off at Thanksgiving instead of just a few days.

Is your school year-round? If not, would you want it to be? Read the arguments that follow.

Year-round schools are better than schools with a long summer break. Students in year-round schools have more breaks. They get to enjoy time off in every season.

Year-round schools allow families to plan vacations at times other than summer. Students in year-round schools are less likely to have to miss school for a trip. They have less stress when going back to school after a short break. They become more eager to learn.

Breaks also give teachers time to plan better lessons. Teachers in schools with a long summer break have less time to plan lessons for their classes. Students in year-round schools tend to remember what they learn. That is because their breaks aren't too long. Teachers don't have to spend time going over things that students have forgotten over the summer.

Summer is a great season. Students should be able to enjoy their summers.

Year-round schools restrict (限制)family vacations. They also don't allow students to go away to camp or take on summer jobs to earn money for the future.

Too many breaks disturb learning. The breaks allow teachers to focus on a topic for only a few weeks. In schools with a long summer break, teachers can spend more time on one topic. Summer can also be very hot. Many schools don't have air conditioning. How can students learn in a hot classroom?

Christopher Newland, a researcher at Auburn University, said that year-round schools do not help students learn. Newland said, "The evidence is that it would be as useful as changing the color of the school buses."

Schools with a long summer break work just fine. There is no need to change to year-round schools.

53. Where are the students in June if they go to year-round schools?

A. At home.     B. At camp.     C. At work.     D. At school.

54. What does the underlined sentence possibly mean?

A. Students don‘t like to learn in hot classrooms.

B. Changing the color of the school bus is useful.

C. Schools with a long summer break help a little.

D. There‘s no need to change to year-round schools.

55. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Reasons why year-round schools are or are not a good idea.

B. Advantages of year-round schools compared with common schools.

C. Opinions on why year-round schools should have breaks every season.

D. Differences between schools with long vacations and year-round schools.

