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Ⅲ.阅读理解。(每小 题2分,共30分)


There was an African chief(酋长)once , and he decided to divide his things into three parts for his three sons .But the youngest son ,Koi , arrived home late that day .When he arrived home , the only thing left for him was a little kola nut tree .

Koi didn’t say anything .He packed up his kola nuts and set out to find his fortune in some other places .

Soon Koi met a little snake who needed a kola nut for its sick mother .Koi gave one to the snake .Next ,he met some hungry ants .Koi gave some kola nuts to them .Finally ,he gave the rest of kola nuts to a crocodile(鳄鱼)in need .Then ,Koi made his way to a nearby village .There he learned that the chief had promised to marry his daughter to whoever could finish three nearly impossible tasks .

The first task was to cut down a tree that grew on a cliff(悬崖).Luckily ,the little snake Koi had helped earlier was passing by .They little snake’s mother ,a strong snake ,held the tree while Koi cut .Then ,Koi had to pick up grains of rice that had been thrown over a huge field .The ants he  had helped came to help him .For the third task ,the chief threw his ring into the river and told Koi to find it by the next morning .The crocodile Koi had helped searched for the ring and found it .Koi became the son-in-law of the chief .

(    )51. The little snake needed a kola nut for its      .

A. aunt   B. mother   C. friend   D. father

(    )52. The ants helped Koi       .

A. pick up the grains of rice   B. hold the tree

C. find the ring     D. cut down the tree

(    )53. Which is TRUE according to the passage ?

A. Koi  was very angry with his brothers and argued with them .

B. The third task was to find the ring of the chief’s daughter’s .

C. Koi’s brothers weren’t kind to him .

D. Koi couldn’t marry the chief’s daughter in the end .

(    )54. The passage was written to tell us        .

A. we should give out all we have   B. animals are helpful

C. we should protect animals    D. being nice is paid off

