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A. avoid B. require C. enjoy D. expect

33. —Oh, the room is too dirty, Tony!

—Sorry, Mom. It              yesterday. I forgot to do it.

A. didn’t clean B. isn’t cleaned C. was cleaned D. wasn’t cleaned

34. —How do you usually go to school?

—I           take a bus, but I            walking now.

A. was used to; am used to B. am used to; used to

C. used to; am used to  D. used to; use to

35. —I’m sorry to hear that your pet dog has died.

—Though my dog             for three months, I still miss him.

A. has died B. has been dead C. died  D. was dead

36. —Mom, shall we go hiking tomorrow?

—Oh, dear. That depends on             it is fine tomorrow.

A. that B. what  C. how D. whether

37. —It’s             of you to talk loudly in public places, Lucy.

—I’m so sorry, Mom.

A. polite B. politely  C. impolite     D. impolitely

38. —Could you tell me _____________________________?

—Sure. It’s near the bank on the other side of the street.

A. how to the post office  B. where is the post office

C. where the post office is  D. when the post office was built

39. —I find             difficult to learn English grammar.

—You can do more English exercises.

A. that B. this C. those D. it

40. —Lucy, can I borrow your bike?

—           ? I didn’t hear clearly.

A. Yes, please B. How do you do C. Here you are   D. Pardon



2.本题选材来自课外,选材难易度适中,选材内容可适当考虑教育性、知识性、 趣味性。





In the first lesson of high school ,our math teacher ,Mr Stevens said ,“I’ll teach you math this year.” He walked around the class ,handing out math books .When it was done ,he returned to the   41  of the class and looked at us .We looked at him ,too .

“What are you    42  for? Get started !” he said .

We looked at him and felt   43  .Wasn’t he going to teach us ?

“Is there anything wrong with our _  44   ?”one brave boy asked what we all wanted to know .“Mr Stevens ,aren’t you going to teach   45   ?”

Mr Stevens replied ,“Open your books and read it .  46  you have questions ,raise your hand and I’ll help you .”

Mr Stevens helped   47  who had a problem . Only when we had the same    48   ,he would stop us to teach all the students .It was a strange way of teaching ,  49  it was very effective(有效的) .We   50    two and a half math books in the first year .

It was a turning point in my life .Mr Stevens made me   51  that I was good at math .

The next year of high school ,in the math class ,I raised my hand .my   52  teacher ,Mr West ,came to my   53   ,“What can I do for you?”

“I can’t understand the question .Can you   54  it to me ?”

He looked at my   55   ,saying ,“We are not doing that chapter(章) yet,you’re six chapters ahead(提前)of the class.”

(  )41.A.side       B.front         C.back          D.middle

