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66. What does it mean when people say, “It’s raining cats and dogs”?

A. Cats and dogs are falling from the sky.

B. It’s raining heavily.

C. Animals started to fall to the ground.

D. There is a black cloud.

67. Which of the following has not been reported as strange things failing from the sky?

A. Cats and dogs.                         B. Worms and insects.

C. Fish and blood.                        D. Snakes and frogs.

68. According to scientists, what can move things from the ground to the sky?

A. Storms.          B. Rains.           C. Clouds.           D. Tornadoes.

69. Scientists’ explanation for rain of blood is that ________.

A. the tornado picked up the birds’ blood

B. there were no strong winds that day

C. flying bir ds were torn into pieces by strong winds

D. other parts of birds’ bodies did not fall with the blood

70. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Strange “Winds” .

B. Strange “Clouds” .

C. Strange “Rains” .

D. Strange “Animals”.


Once upon a time all feelings went to an island for a vacation, and each was having a good time. Suddenly, a warning of a strong storm was announced, so all rushed to their boats. Yet, Love did not wish to run away quickly. There was so much to do. But as the clouds darkened, Love realized it was time to leave. But there were no boats to use. Love looked around with hope.

Just then Richness was passin g by Love in a large boat. Love shouted, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you. ”

Love decided to ask Vanity(虚荣) who was also passing by in a beautiful boat for help, But Vanity said with a cold voice, “No, I can’t take you with me. My boat will get dirty with your mummy feet.”

Sorrow passed by after some time. Again, Love asked for help. But it was useless. “No, I can’t take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be by myself.”

When Happiness passed by a few minutes later, Love again called for help. But Happiness was so happy that it hardly cared about anyone else.

Love was growing worried and hopeless. Just then somebody called out, “Come, Love, I will take you with me.” Love did not know who was being so kind, but jumped onto the boat happily.

After getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Love asked, “Knowledge, do you know who was so kind to give me a lift when no one else wished to help?”

Knowledge smiled, “Oh, that was Time.”

“Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is able to understand how valuable(有价值的) Love is.”

71. According to the passa ge, which one did not go to an island for a vacation?

