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Take a look at the following ads! You may find some useful information you need here!

Guitar lessons

Experienced musician from Australia. Good at teaching kids for 5 years!

For more information, please visit Larry’s website: www.music.com.au

Lost dog

Medium size, with brown spots and white short hair. Answer you when you call it David. Many t hanks for sending it back.

Call Susan at 7328059

Taxi driver wanted

Full time or part time. Experience and a good knowledge of the city are necessary. English is also a must.

Under 45 years old.

Call Mr. White at 5132683.

Apartment for sale

Two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

Hot water 8:00-18:00.

Beautiful sights out of the windows.

E-mail: sdgt@yahoo.cn.

41.Who can teach the children to play the guitar ?

A . Larry .   B . David  .  C . Mr . White . D . Susan .

42. Which number should you call at if you find the lost dog ?

A . 6087594.  B . 7328059 .  C . 5132683 . D . 13935728866 .

43.Which of the four people may get the job as a taxi driver ?

A . A 50-year-old person .   B . A person who knows very well about     the city .  C . A person who has just got his driver's licence .

D .  A person who can drive and has free time on weekends .

44 . When is hot water provided in the apartment according to the ad?

A . In the daytime.    B . At night .  C . At any time .

D . Only in the afternoon .

45.How can you ask the owner of the apartment for more information ?

A . By making a phone call . B . By going to visit it .

C . By sending an e-mail .   D . By sending a letter.

