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第二部分  语言知识运用(满分30分)

Ⅴ. 选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


31. These are ______ coats. Can you look after ______ for me?

A. my; them B. I; they C. me; them

32. —Tim, where is your sister?

—She ______ sports on the playground.

A. is doing B. does C. was doing

33. —How are you feeling now?

—I’m feeling much ______ than before. Take me to the hospital, please.

A. bad  B. worse C. worst

34. In parts of India, people use their fingers to ______ the food.

A. send up B. build up C. pick up

35. Jack had to stop working though it was ______ his own wishes.

A. on  B. for C. against

36. —I’m sorry to have kept you ______ for such a long time.

—It doesn’t matter.

A. wait  B. waiting C. to wait

37. —I saw Jane on the street just now.

—It ______ be her. She went back to Canada yesterday.

A. can’t  B. mustn’t C. needn’t

38. —Oh, you have made the same mistake again.

—______. I’ll be careful in future.

A. So have I B. So do I C. So I have

39. —Tommy, don’t make a mess in your room.

— OK, mum. I will ______ my toys at once.

A. connect to B. play with C. put away

40. —Cross the road carefully, ______ you will keep yourself safe.

—OK, I will.

A. or  B. and C. but

41. —Jerry, do you mind my pointing out your mistakes?

—Not at all. Your advice is ______ to me.

A. of value B. in short C. at work

42. Success will belong to those ______ never say “impossible”.

A. whom B. which C. who

43. —Dad, can I play computer games?

—Not until your homework ______.

A. finishes B. will finish C. is finis hed

44. —We’ll study in different schools next term. Enjoy your time in the new school.


A. The same to you. B. Me too. C. Congratulations!

45. My parents bought me a valuable present on my  ______.

A. /bɜːθ/ B. /'bɜː(r)θdeɪ/ C. /bɜː(r)d/

