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The Traditional Art Show

The best chance to learn about local art and culture

Time: October 20th---25th

Address: 110 Century Road


Scan the QR code(二维码) to get more information and book tickets.

Pop Music Week

Bands from home and abroad will give performances in Sunshine Park.

Local bands and DJs from local radio stations are waiting to share music with fans .Good chance for you to make friends with similar hobbies.

Price:30yuan ---50yuan

Time:9:00a.m.---9:00p.m., December 21st---27th

The City Flower Show

Open: October 8th---17th

Price:50yuan for each adult; 25yuan for each child; free under the age of 10.

Address: 112New Town Road, Moonlight City


Visit www.flowersforlife.com for more information.

51. By scanning the QR code, you can get             .

A. an e-mail from the City Flower Show

B. more information about the Traditional Art Show

C. a ticket to the Pop Music Week for free

D. a prize from the Traditional Art Show

52. If Jane wants to learn about local music, she should go to             .

A. Century Road                           B. New Town Road

C. Sunshin e Park                           D. Moonlight City

53. Mr. Smith should pay              yuan if he visits the City Flower Show with his

wife and his 9-year-old son,

A. 25                 B. 100               C. 125               D. 140


Have you ever seen a rainbow(彩虹) ? How beautiful it is!

It’s said that whenever you see a rainbow you should run at once to the place where it touches the ground, and there you would find gold. Of course it is not true, You could not find the gold or its end. No matter how far you run, it always seems far away.

A rainbow is not a thing which we can feel with our hands as we can feel a flower. It is only the effect of light shining on raindrops, The raindrops catch the sunlight and break it up into all the wonderful colors which we see. It is called a rainbow perhaps because it is made up of raindrops and looks like a bow (弓).

That is why we can never see a rainbow in a clear sky. We see a rainbow only when there is rain in the air and the sun is shining brightly through the clouds.

Every rainbow has many colors in the same order. The first or the top color is always red, and the next comes orange, then yellow, and last of all, blue. A rainbow is indeed one of the wonders of nature.

54. We can not feel            with our hands.

A. gold              B. a flower              C. water            D. a rainbow

55. We can see a rainbow            .

A. when it is cloudy

B. when it is snowing

C. when it is raining heavily

D. when there is rain and sunshine

56. From the text, we can know that            .

A. a rainbow is the effect of light shining on raindrops

B. we can see a rainbow in a clear sky

C. every rainbow has many colors in different orders

D. the first color of rainbow is always orange

57. The best title of this passage is            .

A. Rainbow---the Wonder of Nature              B. The Colors of Rainbow

C. Raindrops and Bow                          D. The Shape of Rainbow

