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2.本题选材来自课外,选材难易度适中,选材内容可适当考虑教育性、知识性、 趣味性。





In the first lesson of high school ,our math teacher ,Mr Stevens said ,“I’ll teach you math this year.” He walked around the class ,handing out math books .When it was done ,he returned to the   41  of the class and looked at us .We looked at him ,too .

“What are you    42  for? Get started !” he said .

We looked at him and felt   43  .Wasn’t he going to teach us ?

“Is there anything wrong with our _  44   ?”one brave boy asked what we all wanted to know .“Mr Stevens ,aren’t you going to teach   45   ?”

Mr Stevens replied ,“Open your books and read it .  46  you have questions ,raise your hand and I’ll help you .”

Mr Stevens helped   47  who had a problem . Only when we had the same    48   ,he would stop us to teach all the students .It was a strange way of teaching ,  49  it was very effective(有效的) .We   50    two and a half math books in the first year .

It was a turning point in my life .Mr Stevens made me   51  that I was good at math .

The next year of high school ,in the math class ,I raised my hand .my   52  teacher ,Mr West ,came to my   53   ,“What can I do for you?”

“I can’t understand the question .Can you   54  it to me ?”

He looked at my   55   ,saying ,“We are not doing that chapter(章) yet,you’re six chapters ahead(提前)of the class.”

(  )41.A.side       B.front         C.back          D.middle

(  )42.A.looking    B.caring        C.sending       D.waiting

(  )43.A.confused   B.sad          C.tired          D.happy

(  )44.A.eyes       B.ears         C.feet           D.hands

(  )45.A.yourself     B.me          C.us            D.ourselves

(  )46.Until         B.Since        C.Because        D.If

(  )47.A.somebody   B.nobody       C.everybody      D.anybody

(  )48.A.idea        B.plan          C.question       D.school

(  )49.A.so          B.but           C.for           D.when

(  )50.A.finished     B.bought        C.had          D.saw

(  )51.A.think        B.imagine       C.miss         D.realize

(  )52.A.strong       B.new           C.same        D.strange

(  )53.A.desk        B.classroom      C.house        D.office

(  )54.A.tell         B.show          C.give         D.explain

(  )55.A.desk        B.face           C.book        D.pen


第一节 阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)(要求难度适中)



Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man .The invention of paper meant that more people could be educated (教育) because more books could be printed .Paper provided an important way to communicate with knowledge .

Paper was first made in China about 2.000 years ago .In Egypt and west ,paper was not very commmonly used before the year 1400 .Paper was not made in southern Europe until about the year 1100 .After that, the forestry countries such sa Canada,Sweden ,Norway ,Finland and the United States became the most important in paper-making .Today Finland makes the best paper in the world.And it has the biggest paper industry(工业)in the world .

When we think of the paper ,we think of newspaper ,books ,letters ,envelops and writing paper .So paper plays an important role in our lives .

Paper is very good for keeping you warm .Houses are often insulated(隔热) with paper .You perhaps see homeless men sleep on a large number of newspaper .They are insulating themselves from the cold . In Finland ,In winter it is sometimes 40 degress below zero .the farmers wear paper boots(靴子) in the snow .Nothing could be warmer .

(  )56.What did the invention of paper mean? It meant ________________

A.more people could be educated       B.more books could be printed

C.paper is one of the most important produces      D.paper was invented by man

(  )57.When was paper made in southern Europe ?

A.Before 1100     B.After 1400    C.About 1100     D.Before 1400

(  )58.Which country makes the best paper ?

A.Norway    B.Canada    C.The United States    D.Finland

(  )59. What's the main idea of the passage?    (加一道选题)

A. The invention of paper.

B. The best paper.

C. The paper-making.

D. The uses of paper.


6 June ,Saturday

I read an article about people living in the e-age yesterday .It talks about different ways of communicating like chatting online(在线聊天) ,sending e-mails ,sending different kinds of messages and keeping an online diary .

The article says that people nowadays send e-mails at least once a day .I do not agree with this because I send e-mails only twice a week .However ,I do check my e-mails once a day .I like receiveing e-mails.

About chatting online ,the article says that it is becoming more and more popular among teenagers .I think this is true .Whenever I arrive at home ,I turn on my computer and log(登录) on to chat online with my friends .I prefer chatting online to calling a friend .because I can chat with many friends at the same time .But I like using mobile phones.when I don’t have my computer with me ,I can send short messages to my friends . I also like keeping in touch(联系) with them in this way .

I keep an online diary four times a week .I like telling others what has happened to me .I think I am one of the people living in the e-age . I can’t live without computers or mobile phones .

(  )60. How often does the writer send e-mails?

A. Never.                     B. Once a day.

C. Twice a week.               D. Four times a week.

(  )61.When did the writer read that article ?

A.On 4 June ,Thursday     B.On 5 June ,Friday

C.On 6 June ,Saturday      D.On 7 June ,Sunday

(  )62.What does the writer disagree with the article ?

A .About chatting online      B. About checking e-mails

C. About sending e-mails      D. About keeping in touching with friends .

(  )63.What does the passage NOT talk about ?   (加一道选题)

A.Living in the e-age .         B. Sending a short message .

C. Keeping an online diary .     D.Making pen pals .

