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第二部分  英语知识运用(共三节,满分30分

第一节  词语释义(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


21. What a pity! You shouldn’t give up the chance of working abroad.

A. challenge   B. opportunity     C. change      D. experience

22. Although most of the teachers are young in our school, quite a few teachers are welcomed by students.

A. several     B. few      C. a lot of   D. a few

23. I’ve really landed myself in the soup this time. I have broken Miss Li’s computer.

A. in danger     B. in trouble   C. in silence   D. in public

24. With the help of Mr. Green I have come a long way on math.

A. have made great progress        B. have to walk for a long way

C. should come along this way      D. have a long way to walk

25. He had already done his homework for the interview. So he could answer our questions easily.

A. done some exercises      B. taken exercise

C. finished his lessons      D. made preparations

第二节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


26. ______ honest man he is!

A. What B. What an C. How  D. How an

27. There were no chairs in the room. We had to sit on the ______.

A. grass B. ground C. floor D. land

28. Can you find the difference ______ “beside” and “besides”?

A. between  B. in    C. among   D. across

29. —Would you mind closing the window? It’s too noisy outside.

—______. I’ll do it right now.

A. No way  B. Of course   C. Pretty good  D. Not at all

30. The Japanese dictionary ______ Ellen’s. She is the only person learning Japanese in our class.

A. must be  B. can’t be   C. may be   D. can be

31. My grandfather is over 80, but he is still in good health and stay _____.

A. safe        B. warm      C. awake      D. active

32. —Granny Li, let’s help you to carry the heavy bag!


A. I’m fine, thanks   B. It’s very kind of you

C. Sure, I’d love to   D. I’m glad to hear that

33. I’m really thankful for having a really good teacher ______ teaches me so well.

A. who  B. whose    C. whom    D. which

34. Why not ______ your teacher for help when you can't finish ______ the story by yourself

A. to ask; write     B. to ask; writing  C. ask; writing     D. asking; to write

35. The mobile phone has influenced people’s life a lot since it ______.

A. invents  B. invented   C. is invented   D. was invented

36. —You should try to ______ the problems by yourself. You’re not a child any longer.

—OK, mum.

A. get on  B. get into   C. get over   D. get off

37. ______ get into No. 1 Senior high School, Li Hua works hard day and night.

A. So that    B. In order to   C. Because   D. Until

38. My brother ______ the violin every day when he was in primary school.

A. plays    B. was playing  C. played   D. has played

39. —Tony, how do you like the TV show A Bite of China (《舌尖上的中国》)?

—______. Through this program I can learn more about cooking culture in China.

A. Nothing special  B. Wonderful   C. It’s a pity   D. With pleasure

40. I didn’t see Miss Zhang in the teacher’s office just now. Do you know ______?

A. why didn’t she come  B. how would she come

C. when would she arrive     D. where she has  gone

第三节  完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


“Exams will be the death of me,” I can remember my school years. I was not a good student. Even when I studied hard, my marks never seemed to   41  . The mid-term exams are over and some of you   42    also be thinking, “Exams will be the death of me.” You study hard but… You may think that schoolwork is just too   43  , or even that you just aren’t smart.

But let me tell you: you are smart enough   44   schoolwork is not too difficult for you! How do I know that? Well, because you have already had a lot of   45   in school. For example, you have learned some subject knowledge, you have already passed many exams, you have…

In the Chinese  school system(体制), having a good   46    usually means good marks. But not everyone has a good memory. The Chinese school system   47   that you sit and listen for a long time. But not everyone is good   48   sitting and listening. The Chinese system is only one “way” of learning. But there are   49   “ways” which may work better for you.

So don’t feel bad if your mid-term results were poor. Mid-term exams are just the middle, not the end. You still have   50   to  improve and make changes.

41. A. travel  B. practice   C. follow    D. improve

42. A. may  B. must    C. need    D. should

43. A. easy  B. difficult   C. relaxing   D. expensive

44. A.  but  B. or    C. and    D. unless

45. A. difficulties  B. success   C. questions   D. trouble

46. A. decision  B. condition   C. memory   D. interest

47. A. requires  B. thinks    C. wonders   D. understands

48. A. to  B. with    C. for    D. at

49. A. others           B. other          C. another         D. the other

50. A. money          B. secret          C. time    D. wealth

