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21.—Why did Miss Wang look so worried?

—Because she wondered .

A. where did the other students go

B. when would the policeman come

C. what her students have done during the trip

D. if her students had survived the earthquake

22.The cleaners have to rubbish to keep our city clean.

A. turn up B. pick up C. fix up D. give up

23.—Whose volleyball is this?

—It must belong to .

A. Bob B. he C. she D. Carla’s

24.—Must I finish my homework now?

—No,you .You may have a rest first.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. needn’t

25.When Tony heard the good news,he was too excited .

A. speak B. speaks C. to speak D. working

26.The children had great fun the kites.

A. fly B. to fly C. flew D. flying

27.I have work to do,and I am tired.

A. much too;too much B. too much;much too

C. too much;too much D. much too;much too

28.I have to show you.

A. different something B. something different

C. anything different D. different anything

29.Remember off the light and don’t forget the door when you leave the room.

A. to turn;to close B. to turn;closing

C. turning;to close D. turning;closing

30.I didn’t go to the party not the weather,but I didn’t feel well.

A. because of;because B. because;because of

C. because;because D. because of;because of

31. All the students are talking and laughing in the classroom and it’s .

A. noisy B. lonely C. quiet D. strict

32.The man was so exhausted that he fell at once.

A. sleepy B. sleep C. sleeping D. asleep

33.—Is that girl Susan?

—It be her. She left for Beijing yesterday.

A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. may not

34. It seems that the aged people the H7N9 more easily from the recent cases.

A. pick up B.mix up C. set up D. use up

35. In spring, the park with travellers.

A. crowds B. crowded C. is crowded D. crowding

