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1. Teresa saw me and stopped ___________ a word with me.

A. having B. to have C. being had D. to have had

2. Peter was seen ___________ this time yesterday.

A .to write B. writes C. writing D. wrote

3. The doctor told the-overweight girl ________ less unhealthy food, if she wanted _______ healthy.

A. to eat... keeping B. to have...to keep C. eating... keeping D. having...to keep

4. My ambition is _______ a CEO in the future.

A. / B. to be C. being to become D. will be

5. We can see steam ________ from the wet clothes if they _________ near a fire.

A. raising... are hung B. rising... are hung

C. to raise…are hanged D. to rise…are hanged

6. Everyone __________ the Spring Festival especially the kids, because they can get money in red packets.

A. enjoy B. enjoys C. is enjoying D. are enjoying

7. If Jerry __________ tomorrow, he ____________ his job.

A. doesn't go to work...will lose B. goes to work...will lose

C. won't go to work...loses D. will go to work...loses

8. People _________ to talk loudly in the library.

A. are allowed B. are not allowed C. allowed D. don't allow

9. Look, Mike _______ a heron on the blackboard. He_______ it just now.

A. is drawing...drew B. drew...was drawing

C. has drawn... drew D. had drawn...was drawing

10. It was generous ________ him ________ $1,000,000 to the Red Cross for the victims of the Tsunami.

A. for...to donate B. of...to donate

C. for...donating D. of...donating

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