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【摘要】中考虽然迫在眉睫,但复习仍需贴近考纲、教材和自己的实际。只有扎实灵活,科学合理,冲刺才能事半功倍,取得理想的效果。精品学习网整理了2014中考英语阅读考点单项选择希望对同学们有帮助!( ) 1. –I won’t go to the party tomorrow.

--________ you told me you would. What’s happening?

A. But B. So C. And D. Or

( ) 2. Mike did something wrong, _______ the headmaster is talking with him.

A. so B. but C. and D. or

( ) 3. Jim has been in the factory for two years _______ he left school.

A. when B. since C. as soon as D. whether

( ) 4. Mike is good at playing basketball _______ Bruce does well in football.

A. when B. until C. since D. while

( ) 5. –Excuse me. Do you have a table for two?

--I’m sorry, ______ there aren’t any seats now. Would you mind waiting for a while?

A. but B. and C. or D. so

( ) 6. You’d better do it _______ your mother did.

A. when B. as C. like D. because

( ) 7. Stop cutting trees, _______ the earth will become worse and worse.

A. and B. but C. or D. then

( ) 8. Do you want to stay at home _______ go shopping with us?

A. and B. but C. or D. so

( ) 9. He was riding to school _______ he was hit by a car this morning.

A. while B. when C. as D. so

( ) 10. The war was over about three months ago, _______ the American soldiers in Iraq are still having a lot of trouble to deal with.

A. or B. and C. but D. for


6—10 BCCBC

【总结】精品学习网中考频道精心整理了2014中考英语阅读考点单项选择,可登录中考英语考点     学习更多知识。




