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a bit/ a little alone/ lonely as soon as/ hardly…when/ no sooner…than
a few/ few/ a little/ little aloud/ loud/ loudly as well as/ as well
a year and a half / one and a half years already/ yet /still as/ because/ for/ since
about/ on also/ as well/ too/ either as/ when/ while
above/over/on/upon although/ though ask / inquire/ question
accept/receive always / yet ask/ ask for
accurate/exact/correct always/often/frequently/usually/sometimes asleep/ sleep / sleepy
ache/pain among/ between/ in the middle of at Christmas/ on Christmas
across/through/ over animal/ beast at first/ first
affair/matter/business another/ other/ more at hand/ in hand
afraid/ fear/ frightened another/ the other/ other/ others/ the others at last/ finally/ in the end
after/behind answer/ reply at school/ in school/ in a (the) school
ago/before any/ either at the beginning/ at the beginning of
agree to/ agree with/ agree on(up on) any/ some at the top of/ on the top of
aim/ purpose/ object anyone/ any one at times / at all times / all the time
alike/like arise/ rise at/ beside/ by/ near
alive/ living/ the living/ live/ dead arms/ weapon at/ in
all/ every around/ round at/ to
all/ whole arrive/ reach/ get to awake/ wake/ waken
allow/ permit/ let/ promise article/ essay/ composition as soon as/ as early as/ as quickly as
almost/ nearly    





