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最优美的环境 最优越的条件 最优质的教育

Education Goals:

To Create Characteristics, to Become a Well-known School

Education Concepts:

Acknowledging Differences, Providing Choices, Exploring Potential, Developing towards Various Directions


Beautiful Environment, Superior Conditions, Best Education


Compulsory Education Department(Primary School and Junior Middle School)

学制特色 小学、初中五、四分段九年一贯,初中实行三年制、四年制并存。四年制即初中学习时间为四年,由五年制小学学生升入初中部六年级,部分基础牢、发展好的学生可在读完八年级后直接升入本校高中理科实验班,其余学生则在读满九年级后报考高中。

英语特色 中小学衔接一体化课程体系,实施国家部编课程与校本课程相结合,小班化英语教学模式,高学历、高职称、高素质的英语教师队伍,口语、听力外教授课,音、体、美部分内容双语教学,早读、晚读相结合,定期举行英语讲故事、配音、演讲、课本剧、单词速记等比赛,每年举办大型英语晚会和英语节,开办暑期海外夏令营,这些举措使小学、初中形成了鲜明的英语教学特色。



小班化实验班 小班教育,一直来都是学校研究的品牌特色。小班教师在学生“个性化处方”教育的基础上,逐步摸索,不断深化,为每一个孩子设计出适合其发展的教育方法,增设第二外语、陶艺、书法、游泳等校本课程,做到因材施教,多元发展。

Schooling System: The nine years compulsory education consists of five years in Primary School and four years in Junior Middle School. Three-year schooling coexists with four-year schooling in Junior Middle School. Top students can gain access to the Science Experimental Class in the Senior Middle School, while others can register for the Senior Middle School after the completion of nine years education.

English Feature: All-in-one curriculum system combines national curriculum and school curriculum. Small English teaching class has top Chinese and Foreign teachers using bilingual teaching methods. Morning reading and evening reading are integrated. English Storytelling, dubbing, presentation, plays and words shorthand are held regularly. Overseas summer camps during summer holidays make English teaching a great feature in Huamao.

Bilingual Class: The one of a kind National Education Transition Class (i.e. Bilingual class) is authorized by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is designed mainly for those students whose parents are overseas returnees. However, students who demand bilingual education are also welcomed. Curriculum Features: take the strength of the traditional education on Chinese and Mathematics, introduce the international elements, innovate the talent developing strategy, and cultivate an English environment for students to study.

Experimental Small Class: Small class has always been the brand feature of Huamao. Teachers of the small class have added Second Language, Pottery, Handwriting and swimming to the curriculum to fulfill the school concept of Developing towards Various Directions.

高中部(Senior Middle School )



Multiple Choices: Students can choose from Science Experimental Class, Innovation Class, Public Class, Private Class and International Curriculum Class. Acknowledge students’ differences and provide multi-level and individulized teaching.



Grade skipping: for those students with a low entering score, if they can achieve a remarkable progress during a period of time, they can apply for a grade skipping for further development.



“Top 100” Project: After the subject-based banding in senior high school, school will put the top 60 students in science classes and top 40 students in art classes together into a group with advanced training to strengthen the overall competitiveness.



“1+1” Teaching Pattern:One fixed mathematic teacher for each class; main subjects are teached in one lecture to one tutorial class ratio, using school-based exercises to increase effectiveness.



Intensify Curriculum Reform: Introduce Tutorial System and Individualized Education. Strive for “efficient class”. Use learning material as guides on the class and form study groups. Change the traditional views on teacher and student evaluation. Carry out an overall Tutorial system, making sure every teacher and student is paired. Tutors work closely with homeroom teacher, dorm teacher and parents, and they are students’ mental, psychological, learning and living guides. All teaching staff cooperate in developing students in full.

国际部(幼儿园到高中)Multi-cultural Education Academy(from Pre-K to Senior High School)




Currently the only international school authorized by IB Organization in Zhejiang.

Sino-Canadian and International programmes sending students directly to world famous schools.

The biggest Korean students studying abroad base in Zhejiang Province.


国际文凭组织(International Baccalaureate Organization,IBO)是一个非盈利性质的国际教育,现有成员学校3390所,分布在141个国家和地区,超过100万学生学习IB课程。IBO国际文凭组织的教育目标是旨在培养探究质疑、积极进取、知识渊博、具有人道主义精神、尊重不同文化、尊重他人的学习者和努力创造美好、和平的世界公民。基金会


IB: The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit educational foundation. Motivated by its mission, our programs help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. IBO currently work with 3,390 schools in 141 countries to develop and offer challenging programs to over 1 million students aged from 3 to 19.

Huamao Foreign Languages School has been authorized by IBO and become its member school. International Baccalaureate Organization has accredited the school to run the PYP, MYP and DP programs to the public. We welcome kindergarten, primary, middle and senior high school students from all over the world.



Sino-Canadian Program: the Chinese Ministry of Education has approved Sino-Canadian program that cooperates with Columbia International College. The program infuses Ontario, Canada education system and teaching strategies, forming the curriculum system combining both Chinese and Canadian courses. The program is opened to year 9 graduates and will issue both Chinese and foreign diplomas when finishing the curriculum for applying top universities around the world.

入学指南Admission Guide

义教部(小学、初中)Compulsory Education Department(Primary School and Junior Middle School)



Take in primary school and junior middle school freshmen and transferred students of all grades, regardless their household registration limits and time of the year.

Primary school freshmen are enrolled according to interviews; junior middle school freshmen should submit his/her year five to six transcripts for review; other transferred students need to take a written test to get enrolled. Household Register or passport(for foreign student) and an one-inch photo are required when apply.

高中部:(Senior High School Department)


Take in freshmen; students from Ningbo can go through the unified application process while students from other region should apply after their Senior High School Entrance Examination results come out. Admission ticket and transcripts are required when apply.

国际部:Multi-cultural Education Academy




Pre-K: Take in two to five years old children from local or aboard. Health Certificate, Household Register or passport and 6 one-inch photos are required when apply.

IB PYP and MYP: Take in children over six years old from local or aboard. Health Certificate, Household Register or passports (for foreign student) and 6 one-inch photos are required when apply.

Sino-Canadian Class and IB DP: Take in students with junior middle school diploma and willing to study aboard. No deadline for the application. You can find more on school website or via the phone.



Please find more admission information on school website or via the phone.

Welcome to our school.

电话:(0574)88211388 88211399



Tel: (0574) 88211388 88211399

Add: 1500 North Tiantong Road, Ningbo (2 Yinxian Avenue, to the south of Wanda Plaza )

Website: http://www.huawai.net




