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请阅读Passage One,完成第21—25小题。

Passage One

Eat more healthily.Exercise twice a week.Read more books.Lose weight.We make the same resolutions every year,but most of US fail,and quit after only a few days or,at best,weeks.Even the most successful among US crash when it comes to personal change.For example,President Barack Obama struggles with his smoking habit.

So why is change SO challenging?Are we wired in a way that keeps US from making changes?

And do we need the support of others to reach our goal,or can we do it alone?

Professionals who help people make change in their lives suggest that the change is determined not by one’S mind.Beginning with small goals or steps usually leads to a bigger pay-off later,they say.And trying to make a change is easier with support from a group of friends,family,or co-workers with shared goals.

“People are more likely to make positive changes in their lives not only when their friends d0,but when their friends of friends do,and when their friends of friends of friends do,”said Nicholas Christakis,a professor of medical sociology at Harvard University.

Johnny Augustin understands that well.His resolution for 2009 was to reduce 30 pounds from his 237-pound frame.But the change didn’t come easy.He said.“I'm a huge procrastinator.There’s desire,but I just kept putting it off.I didn’t get to it unti l the summer.”However,Augustin got in-spired when he saw his elder brother working out.Now Augustin weighs 190 pounds.

Having a positive attitude is one of the keys to making a successful change,according to Judy Zerafa,author of several books based on how people can improve their lives.She emphasizes the im-ponance of believing in yourself--and having positive habits,a creative imagination,and persist-ence--to make change haDDen.

21.The text is mainly about__________

A.tIIe resonswhy making a change is so hard

B.the difficulties we have in making a change

C.the ways of making a change in our life

D.the attitudes towards making a change

22.According to Nicholas Christakis,__________.

A.friendship plays all important role in our daily lives

B.people are better able to make changes when inspired by others

C.friends can easily change our minds about something

D.friends’support plays a bigger role in one’s success than his mind

23.The underlined word“procrastinator’’in Paragraph 5 refers to a person who__________.

A.has great determination to make a change

B.has no desire to do something great

C.delays work especially out of laziness

D.has hab.itual carelessness and laziness

24.In the text,which of the foilowing is NOT mentioned as a way to make a change in one’s life?

A.Trying to learn from one’s friends.

B.Setting small goals at first.

C.Having confidence and positive habits.

D.Changing one’s environment.

25.What information will probably be provided following the laSt paragraph?

A.Useful methods used to avoid negative thoughts.

B.The side effects of self-denial behavior.

C.The ways Judy Zerafa advised to make a change.

D.Examples showing the importance of having a positive attitude.