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2014教师节英语作文:Hard gardener



尊师重教是中国的优良传统,为了在教师节来临之际向老师表达感恩之情。精品学习网为您整理了2014教师节英语作文 ,让我们一起感谢辛勤工作的老师们吧

2014教师节英语作文:Hard gardener

Today, I came to school early, I found bao teacher is all flowers in his hand, but are made of paper, sponge who is so have no taste, only to send the teacher of this flower!) . I remembered today is teachers' day, I wasn't meaning to the teacher! I'm going to go downstairs to buy flowers, downstairs to sell the flowers is made of sponge paper, really boring! But in order to show my sincerity, I bought some reluctantly.

Come to the classroom, the teacher bao already went back to office, can't, next is math class, gave Mr Li!

Haven't math class, miss li comes, I picked up three of the flowers, devoted to her. But there are 7 flowers? Gave me I'm a bit disgusting that Mr Hua!!!!

English class, I am following ?


