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哈利波特 Harry Potter



编者按:作文能力是在不断借鉴与练习中提升的,精品学习网为大家收集了小学英语作文:哈利波特 Harry Potter,希望对大家的写作有所帮助。

哈利波特 Harry Potter

Harry Potter series are my most favorite books. There are seven books in total. Last year, my father bought them for me as the new year gift. When I first read them, I liked them inmediately. The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous. Harry Potter is a kind, brave and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties. Besides, I admire him having two good friends. They always help him and never leave him, no matter how bad the conditions are. I am happy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a happy life in the end.

