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仁爱版初二英语Unit4家庭作业:Our world





1.“Let’s see who can make the man take off his hat and coat. If you can do that more quickly than I, then you are the stronger.”


3.took off

4. If you can do that more quickly than I.

5. One day the sun and the wind had a quarrel(争吵).


1----5 like help favourite Among make

6----10 interesting different better chatting never

九. 书面表达(10分)

There are about five hundred students. The students are friendly and helpful and our school life is colourful. Every year we have two holidays, the summer holiday and winter holiday. We have two months fewer holidays than the American students. There is a park in it. There are many models of places of interest from all over the world. They are small but wonderful. It is my ideal school and I like it very much.


一、1 where were you last week?

Oh , I went to the Great Wall?

2Kate, would you like to eat an orange or an apple?

An apple.

3What’s your hobby?

I like collecting stamps?

4How do you usually go to school?

I usually ride m y bike to school?


1 your English is good.

2how often do you play basketball at school?

3who’s the man in the car?

4what’s the time now?

5can you skate?

6when is Christmas?


M;Hi, Maria, What a nice photo! Who is the boy on your right?

W; Oh, he is my young brother, Tom .

M But, he is much taller and stronger than you, isn’t he?

W Yes, he, is.


M: What’s the date today?

W: It’ s March 25th .

M: Is everyone here?

W: No, Wu dong is ill.

M: Sorry to hear that .what is wrong with him?

W: He has got a bad cold.

M: Let’s go and see him after school.

W: All right.


Tom is a schoolboy; he often goes out to play after school. But he is never gets home for supper.

It was his eleventh birthday last Friday, but his parents didn’t see him at supper time. They waited and waited, but Tom didn’t come home. At about seven, they felt worried. They had to go out to look for their son here and there ,but they couldn’t find him. At last, they went to the police station for help. To their great surprise, when they came back home, they saw Tom sitting at the supper table, enjoying his birthday cake, “why didn’t you come up stairs to watch TV with me, dad?” said Tom when he saw his father.




