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(第二部分:笔试 共80分)

Ⅱ 单项选择(共15分 每小题1分)

(    )21.It’s a good idea _____ a pen friend to practise English.

A.find       B.to find       C.finding       D.found

(    )22.You should _______ in the dictionary when you meet a new word.

A.look it up  B.look after it   C.look it over  D.look it through

(    )23.---What ab out _______ a rest?

---OK!Let’s go for a walk.

A.to have      B.had       C.have       D.having

(    )24.---Tim played the guiter very well in the school talent show.

---I think so.He practices________it every day.

A.play       B.playing       C.to play     D. plays

(     )25.It took me two weeks________reading the novels written by Guo Jingming.

A.finish      B.to finish      C.finishes      D.finishing

(     )26.I like skiing better than climbing because I think climbing is ________ skiing.

A.not as exciting as              B.not as more exciting as

C.not as most exciting as          D.more exciting than

(     )27._______is really difficult for them_______the mountain.

A.This,climbing       B.This,to climb      C.It,to climb      D.It,climbing

(     )28.Lingling comes ______than any other student in her class every day.

A.very earlier       B.much earlier      C.early        D.more earlier

(     )29.She jumps _____of us four.

A.far           B.farther          C.farthest          D.further

(      )30.---I feel tired and sleepy.

---Why not stop_____?

A.to relax        B.relaxing         C.resting          D.to work

(      )31---Mary,would you like to visit the Science Museum with me?

---_______,but surfing the net seems more interesting.

A.I’d love to     B.That’s right     C.You’re welcome     D.No problem

(     )32.We must try _____ people _____ the animals in danger.

A.stop,kill     B.to stop,killing       C.to stop,to killing    D.stop,to kill

(      )33.All of us are ____ at the ______ result.

A.surprising ,surprised         B.surprised ,surprising

C.surprising ,surprising        C. surprised ,surprised

(      )34.The______he is,the _____ he feels.

A.busy,happy       B.busier,happier    C.busiest,happiest   D.busier,happy

(      )35.Hi,Mike,what made you so_______?

A.happy         B.happily         C.happier       D.happiness

Ⅲ 完形填空(共10分 每小题1分)

I did nothing at school. My headmaster thought I was useless and when I was 14 he said,"You're never going to be  36  but a failure (失败者)."

After five years of poor jobs,I fell in  37   with a very nice girl. But her mother said to me,"You  38  in everything, You can't give any happiness to my daughter!" Th e words made me feel sad. I decided to do something  39  about my life,because I wanted to show her that what people said ab out me was  40  .

So I tried hard with my writing and went to college. My first book came out while I was at college After college, I  41  during the day in a high school and went to evening classes at college, Later, I gave up that job to write full time. At the same time,I got a part-time job at Leeds University as a  42  . I began to feel  43  of myself here was once a poor boy who'd left school early,now teaching at the university.My writing career(生涯)  44   when I discovered my own style.

Now I'm rich and  45  ,be on TV,and meet lots of film stars. But what does that mean? I just wish all the people who have put me down say:"I believe in you. You'll succeed. "

36. A. anything    B. something   C. everything    D. nothing

37, A. work       B. love        C. help         D. study

38. A. failed       B. won        C. beat         D. succeeded

39.A. difficult     B. easy         C. bad         D. useful

40. A. terrble      B. excellent     C. wrong       D. right

41. A. stayed      B. laughed      C. lived        D. taught

42. A. boss       B.scientist       C. teacher      D. student

43. A. proud      B.sad           C. tired        D. happy

44.A. set off      B.went off       C. broke off     D.took off

45. A. cool       B. famous        C. clever       D. Helpful


