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Ⅴ 任务型阅读(共5分 每小题1分)

Summer vacation is here. Jenny and Linda, like many American teenagers, plan to have a good time. Their plans for sunny days are different from their plans for rainy days. On sunny days, they ride their bikes with their friends to the beach. Jenny gets up at the same time as Linda and they usually leave before breakfast. They take sandwiches and cans of Coca-Cola or they make a fire and cook hamburgers on the beach. There are lots of activities at the beach.They can swim, take a walk or throw frisbees. Linda is learning to play the guitar, so sometimes they sing by the fire. Sometimes they play volleyball or lie down on the beach to enjoy the sun.On rainy days, Jenny and Linda stay at home. They often read or watch TV. Sometimes, they make cookies or bake a cake. They also talk about their boyfriends.

In China many parents have realized the importance of their children's study, so they send their children to all kinds of schools in summer vacation, such as fast writing school, English grammar school, singing and dancing school, drawing school and so on. Some parents also invite teachers or college students to teach their children at home. Most children choose to learn what they like best, but some students have to improve their poor subject though they are not interested in it.Most students in China are very busy in the summer vacation.


61. Chinese school children are b       than American school children.

62. Jenny gets up    early    Linda.


63. 1 failed in the English exam. l decide to i      it in the next year.

64. He p      to travel to Shanghai next year.

65 . We of ten take part in out-of-class a       in our free time.

Ⅵ 完成句子(共10分 每小题2分)


You should use the sentences_______  ________  ________  ________.


_______  _______  _______  ________ to write to your pen friends.


Guangzhou is _______  _______  ________  _______ China.


The teahouse______  _______  _______  ________ to everyone.


People all care for animals ______  ______.

Ⅶ 补全对话(共5分 每小题1分)

A:     71

B: Lao She. He was called a "Great Master of Language".

A : You're right.      72

B : Four Generations in one Household.      73

A : And it  mainly talks about the life of Qi's family, doesn't it?

B: Yes, it does. Do you like Lao She?

A: Yes, but Cao Yu is my favorite writer.      74

B: Have you watched any of his plays?

A: Yes. Last year 1 saw Sunrise in Beijing.     75

A. The performance was great.

B. It's a novel.

C. Then which work do you like best?

D. He has written lots of plays.

E. Who's your favorite writer?

71.     72.     73.     74.     75.


