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A rich man and a poor tailor(裁缝) lived in the same house. The rich man lived upstairs and the poor tailor lived downstairs. The tailor liked to sing when he made(制作)clothes. But the rich man liked to sleep(睡觉)a lot.

One day, the rich man said, “Tailor, I will give you a big bag of money if(如果) you stop(停止) singing.” Fine.” Said the tailor. And so the tailor stropped singing and became rich. But after a few days, he became(变成) unhappy, because he wanted very much to sing again.

Then he gave all the money back to the rich man. He said, “Take your money, I can’t be happy if I can’t sing.” He went away singing. He sang and sang and he was happier than(比) before.

Answer the questions:

16. What were the differences(不同) between the rich man and tailor?

17. Why didn’t the rich man like the tailor’s singing?

18. What did the rich man do to the tailor from singing?

19. Why did the tailor give all the money back to the rich man?

20. How could the tailor take the money and go on singing at the same time?


1.They __          _ (read) when their mother went back home.

2.It’s sad___           _(think) about all those animals in danger.

3.Which are__           __(cheap),the apples or the oranges?

4.__         __(million) of people are celebrating the New Year’s coming now.

5.Do you know who works__           __(hard),Jim, Tom or Bruce?

6.Many people decided__            __(not think) about the thing.

7.There__            __(be) an interesting film next Sunday. Will you go?

8.You must  practice __        __(say) the English words.

9.The girls all played__              __(happy) in the zoo.

10.Do you want__                 __(see) a film tonight?



A: Can I help you?       B: Yes, _1_____                        ________.

A: What colour  would you like?      B: Blue.

A: _2____         __? This style is quite popular this year. I bet(希望) your wife will like it.

B: It looks very nice. _3_______                      ______?

A: It’s 1088 yuan. B: Oh, that’s a little expensive for me._ 4____                  _____?

A:Yes, we have some. But they are not as beautiful as this one.

_5_______                        ______?

B: Maybe size L. I’m not sure.

A: Look at this dress. It’s only 688 yuan, and very beautiful.   B: I’ll take it.



We won the match ____ ____.


They decided ____ ____ ____ ____ to Shandong.


The hole is ___ ___ for Alice ___ ___ ___.


The ___ you go jogging ,___ ___ you will feel.


You and me is one of ___ ___ ___ songs  in the world.


__________________________________ _________________?



8.Everyone in Britain knows the story.

9.He lives the farthest from school, so he takes the underground.

10.We all arrive as early as we can so that we have time to warm up.



一、1-5 DCBAC 6-10 BBABB 11-15 DCBAB 16-20 ACACB

二、1-5 DCBAB 6-10 BACDB


(D)16.The rich man had money and the tailor had no money.

17.Because the rich man liked to sleep a lot.

18.The rich man gave the tailor a big bag of money.

19.Because he couldn’t be happy if he couldn’t sing.

20.I don’t know.

四、1 were reading 2 to think 3 cheaper 4 Millions 5 hardest 6 not to think 7 will be 8 saying 9 happily 10 to see






