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Ⅱ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共计20分)

(    ) 26. --- Who teaches ________ music?

--- Nobody. I teach ________.

A. your, mine    B. your, myself   C. you, myself   D. you, mine

(    ) 27. --- Is there __________ in today’s newspaper?

--- No. there isn’t.

A. anything special    B. special anything    C. something special    D. special something

(    ) 28. I never feel ________ when I stay with him because he is such a ________ man.

A. boring, bored    B. boring, funny    C. bored, funny    D. bored, boring

(    ) 29. They’re having a meeting in the room, so the room is ________ people.

A. different from    B. interested in    C. full of    D. good with

(    ) 30. --- Can you speak French, Mr. Brown?

--- Yes. But only ________ French words.

A. few    B. little    C. a few    D. a little

(    ) 31. --- ________ do you go to the movie?

--- Once a month.

A. How long    B. How much    C. How far    D. How often

(    ) 32. Yeah, my father is not healthy at all because he ________ exercises.

A. sometimes    B. usually    C. hardly ever    D. always

(    ) 33. Debbie is growing fast. She is even ________ than her mother.

A. tall    B. taller    C. tallest    D. the tallest

(    ) 34. The baby is sleeping. Please speak ________.

A. loudly    B. seriously    D. clearly    D. quietly

(    ) 35. I get more ________ in the tests than I did last time.

A. grades    B. orders    C. results    D. facts

(    ) 36. Wang Lin is trying ________ English because she plans ________ to England.

A. learn, to go    B. to learn, going    C. learning, to go    D. to learn, to go

(    ) 37. --- Which of the two T-shirts will you take?

--- I will take ________. One is for my brother and the other is for myself.

A. either    B. both     C. all    D. neither

(    ) 38. --- ________ are you going to study?

--- I’m going to study art and history.

A. Where    B. What    C. How    D. When

(    ) 39. There ________ a wonderful concert in Beijing Theater tomorrow.

A. is going to have    B. will have    C. will be    D. is going to be

(    ) 40. Let me ________ your phone number and I’ll call you when I’m free.

A. cut down    B. turn down    C. look down    D. write down

(    ) 41. --- I’m hungry. I didn’t have breakfast.

--- I can ________ my cakes with you.

A. expect    B. share    C. show    D. choose

(    ) 42. Of the three cinemas, you can buy movie tickets ________ at Town Cinema.

A. more quickly    B. the most quickly    C. quicker    D. quickly

(    ) 43. This coat doesn’t look ________ that one.

A. the same    B. the same with    C. same as    D. the  same as

(    ) 44. ________ it was late, the students were still studying in the classroom.

A. Although    B. But     C. As long as    D. Because

(    ) 45. --- I watched  an interesting movie yesterday.

--- ________.

A. No problem.    B. You’re welcome.    C. Sounds great.    D. Here you are.


