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Last year, I bought a flower pot(盆). But I didn’t use it. Last week, I went to buy some flower seeds(种子). I planted the seeds in the flower pot. For a few days, nothing  1  (happen). But I went on  2  (water) the seeds. On the   3  (ten) day, I saw green sprouts (嫩芽). I was so 4  (exciting). I knew that I could make something grow!

5  (Grow) flowers is like growing happiness. Our lives are sometimes like the empty pots. Our days are  6  (fill) with lots of different things. However, we usually don’t do a lot of things just because they are of little  7  (important). We feel that something is missing.The missing things in my flower pot were seeds. The things that we may be missing in life are seeds of hope, love and dreams.

I planted many different flower seeds that day, because I know that the things produced are exactly what I have planted. This is the same as  8 (plant) things in life. Everything that is planted  inside my heart will grow. If I plant negative (消极的) thoughts inside my heart, I will only become sadder and  9 (sad) with each passing day. If I plant seeds of hope, I can expect 10 (wonder) things.

1. __________ 2. __________  3. _________  4. __________  5. ____________

6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. ____________ 10. _____________


1.它允许人们更近地接触它们。(allow sb. to do )


2. 想起熊猫和其他濒危动物,真让人伤心。(It’s + adj. + to do)


3. 让我们看看还能做些什么来拯救尽可能多的动物。(as …as possible)


4. 许多野生动物没有安全的地方居住。(a place to live)


5. 村庄和农场越来越大,侵占了它们的土地和森林。(grow; take away)


6. 现在只有大约1,600只熊猫生活在野外。(There be + n. +doing)



Most people love animals because they are useful in many ways. Some animals ¬¬¬¬¬_(1) pandas ,wolves and foxes are called wild animals. Most of them are dangerous. Some others like cows and dogs live with men. They are called domestic animals.

Animals are important to men. Men catch wild animals for fur and meat. Skins of foxes and crocodiles can be made into coats and shoes. People are now stopped from killing wild animals _(3) their lives. Domestic animals can not only give us food , but also help men with some farm work . Without them, life could be less fun and more difficult. People get meat from sheep and pigs. From cows, we get milk. Horses can take us to other places. On farms, animals are used to plough fields.

It is clear that men can’t live without animals. Let’s protect animals. They are our best friends.


2.根据短文内容填空 Animals are ___________ to us.

3.在(3)处选择选择合适的词填空(  )

A. protect   B. protecting  C. to protect  D. protects

4. 在文中找出with的反义词

5. 将划线部分译成汉语








