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第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分 (85分)

Ⅳ.单项选择 (10分)

16.She was excited because her dream ______.

A.came out      B.came on          C.came true           D.came along

17.My English teacher had a trip to the USA last summer.

Which picture did she take there?

18.—Have you played Aobi Island games?

—No,I haven't.I have ______ played them before.

A.ever              B.never          C.no               D.yet

19.—______ is the price of a plane ticket?

—1200 yuan.

A.How long          B.How many     C.What              D.How

20.Our plane will take ______ from Beijing Capital Airport and land ______ Paris.

A.up; on            B.off; on         C.off; in            D.up; in

21.Our journey by camel was ______.

A.a pleasant experience                  B.an experience pleasant

C.pleasant experience                    D.experience pleasant

22.His concert is so fantastic and the tickets have ______.

A.sell             B.sold            C.sell out          D.sold out

23.—Danny,______ phoned you this morning.

—Oh,who was it?

A.someone         B.no one          C.everyone         D.anyone

24.The boy sitting ______ Lisa in the pi cture is her bother.

A.behind           B.under          C.beside           D.before

25.Can you ______ all the plants in this garden?

A.name            B.named          C.wrote            D.names


