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Have you ever  26  of Disneyland? 27  of us have probably heard of Mickey Mouse,Donald Duck,and many other __28__ Disney characters (形象).Perhaps we have ever seen them in movies.But have you ever been to Disneyland?In fact,there are now __29__ different Disneyland amusement (娱乐) parks.Two are in the United States.One is in Japan and __30__ is in France.There are two in China.One is in Hong Kong,and the other is in Shanghai.The Shanghai Disneyland Park is the sixth.It i s under construction (建设).It is said it will open in 2014.

Disneyland is __ 31__ amusement park,but we can also __32__ it a theme (主题) park.It has all the normal attractions that you can __33__ at an amusement park,but it also has a theme.The theme,of course,is Disney movies and Disney characters.Everyone __34__ Disney characters.This means that you can find Disney characters all __35__ the park.

26.A.hear             B.hears           C.heard              D.to hear

27.A.One             B.Two            C.Much              D.Most

28.A.big              B.good           C.famous             D.old

29.A.s ix              B.five            C.three               D.four

30.A.other            B.others           C.the other            D.another

31.A.a               B.an              C.the                D./

32.A.take             B.bring           C.call                D.see

33.A.find             B.found           C.to find              D.finds

34.A.like             B.likes            C.liking              D.liked

35.A.on              B.above           C.over               D.through


