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1. How could he _______?

A. makes you laugh     B. make you laugh

C.makes you laughing D. make you laughing

2. Whose room is ______,Kate, Millie’s or Betty’s?

A. bigger   B. the bigger     C. the best  D. best

3. ______of the two books is interesting.

A. None    B. Neither     C. All   D. Both

4. What are you talking ____?

A to   B with  C  about   D /

5. I really don’t know_____my father will come back..

A. how long  B. how soon  C. how far  D. how much

6. We saw ______ elephant in the zoo.  ______ elephant was from India.

A. a; The  B. the; An  C. an; The  D. the; A

7. Wang Fang is______ of the five basketball players, but she plays very well.

A. thinner   B. thinnest  C. the thinnest D. very thin

8. He tries to spend as much time as he can ____ Chinese well.

A to study   B studies   C studying   D  study

9. My brother is so fat ______ too much food and little exercise.

A. like       B. that   C. because  D. because of

10. Peter is friendly. He never ______  a bad word about anyone.

A. speaks  B. tells  C. talks   D. says

11. It’s wrong to ______  dirty water into the river.

A. throw  B. take   C. pour   D. rush

12. All the people should do their best ______   the work.

A. to finish  B. finish  C. finished . finishing

13. What kind of food is______ , Chinese food, Japanese food or the western food?

A. most delicious         B. more delicious

C. the most delicious   D. the more delicious

14. Listen! Can you hear the boy ______  in the next room?

A. to sing  B. sings  C. sang  D. singing

15. I’m 1.70 metres. Yao Ming is 2.27 metres. I am ______ Yao Ming.

A. as tall as B. taller than   C. not as all as   D. so tall as

16. There is ____  river in my hometown.

A.two--metre--deep    B .a two--metre--deep

C. two metres deep    D. a two metres deep

17. Beijing is bigger than _____in Jiangsu.

A. any other city B. any city  C. any other cities D. other cities

18. They don’t know what ______yesterday.

A. did he happen      B. he happened

C.happened to him    D. happened to he

19. Mr Wang is an _____man.. He is_____ in telling jokes.

A. interesting , interested     B. interested, interesting

C. interesting , interesting     D. interested, interested

20. ______  bad weather it is!

A. What  B. What a  C. How a   D. How


