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(    )1. A. plan            B. stand             C. famous

(    )2. A. rich            B. film              C. prize

(    )3. A. hope           B. joke              C. lose

(    )4. A. menu           B. news             C. ever

(    )5. A. culture          B. full              C. such


(    )1.What do you ________ do?

A.want        B.want to      C.like

(    )2.My grandfather ________ stay ________ home and watch TV.

A.like, at      B.like, in       C.likes to, at

(    )3.________ kind of movies ________ Lucy like?

A.What, does  B.What, do      C.What’s, does

(    )4. Jim often goes to movies ____________ his friends.

A. and         B. to             C. with

(    )5. What's the name ________ the movie, do you know?

A. with        B. at             C. of

(    )6.I like game shows _______ I like sports shows, too.

A. And        B. but            C. or

(    )7.-____________ is your favorite actor? -Jacket Chen

A. What       B. Whose         C. Who

(    )8. She likes ________ to movies with his brother.

A. go          B. goes          C. going

(    )9.-How is the new movie? - It is  ________. x

A.well        B.thriller       C.exciting

(    )10. I had to take ____ umbrella with me because of____ terrible


A. the;a         B. a; the         C. an; the

(    )11. I think exercise is healthy ______ the mind and the body.

A. for           B. with          C. about

(    )12. In China, many families are ______ to buy cars these days.

A enough rich    B rich enough     C very rich

(    )13. I don’t know ______ happened outside.

A how          B what           C when

(    )14. -What did the teacher say just now? - Sorry, I heard______.

A.something   B.everything      C.nothing

(    )15.— I went to the Palace Museum last summer vacation.

— ______.

A.That sound great   B.Have a fun time   C.It was wonderful


