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Ⅱ. 单项选择(20分)

1. (2013•济南中考)Tom is in good health, because he often exercises and eats a lot of healthy_____.

A. food   B. water   C. pear   D. carrot

【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意: 汤姆身体健康, 因为他经常锻炼, 而且吃很多健康食品。food“食品”; water“水”; pear“梨”; carrot“胡萝卜”。

2. —There_______some bread on the plate. You can eat it for breakfast.

—OK, I will.

A. are   B. is   C. was   D. were

【解析】选B。考查主谓一致。bread是不可数名词, 句中some bread作主语, 谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式, 排除A、D两项, 由对话语境知此处应用一般现在时态, 排除C项。

3. — _____do you make fruit salad?

—First, cut up the apples, bananas and pears. And then. . .

A. When  B. Where   C. Why  D. How

【解析】选D。考查疑问词辨析。由答语中的“First. . . And then. . . ”可知问句询问“如何制作”, 因此要用疑问词how“如何; 怎样”引导特殊疑问句。

4. (2013•白银中考)“_____exercise every day, my son. It’s good for your health. ”Dad often said to him.

A. Takes  B. Taking   C. Take  D. To take


5. — _____butter do we need for a sandwich?

—Two teaspoons should be enough.

A. How many      B. How much

C. How long      D. How far

【解析】选B。考查疑问词辨析。how many“多少”, 后跟可数名词复数形式; how much“多少”, 后跟不可数名词; how long“多长; 多久”; how far“(距离)多远”。由答语“Two teaspoons should be enough. ”可知问句询问数量“多少”, butter“黄油”, 是不可数名词。

6. (2014•北京海淀区质检)Thanksgiving is always_____the fourth Thursday in November.

A. in    B. on   C. at   D. for


7. (2013•苏州中考)Paul made a nice cage_____the little sick bird till it could fly.

A. keep       B. kept

C. keeping       D. to keep

【解析】选D。考查动词不定式的用法。句意: 保罗做了一个漂亮的笼子来饲养那只生病的小鸟, 直到它会飞。此处表示目的, 作状语, 用动词不定式。

8. Don’t forget to_____the light when you leave the room.

A. turn on       B. turn off

C. turn up       D. turn down

【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意: 你离开房间时不要忘了关上灯。turn on“打开”; turn off“关掉; 关上”; turn up“(音量等)调大”; turn down“(音量等)调低”。

9. (2013•北京中考)—Tom, supper is ready.

—I don’t want to eat _____, Mum. I’m not feeling well.

A. everything      B. nothing

C. something      D. anything

【解析】选D。考查不定代词辨析。句意: ——汤姆, 晚饭准备好了。——我不想吃任何东西, 妈妈。我感觉不舒服。everything“每件事情”; nothing“没有任何事情”; something“某些事情”; anything“任何事情”, 常用于一般疑问句或否定句中。

10. —Let’s make tomato and beef noodles.

— _____.

A. Sounds good     B. You’re welcome

C. That’s right      D. Don’t worry

【解析】选A。考查情景交际。句意: ——让我们做西红柿牛肉面吧。——听起来不错。A项意为“听起来不错”, 表示对别人意见的赞同; B项意为“没关系”, 表示对别人感谢的委婉答语; C项意为“那是正确的”; D项意为“别担心”。


