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Ⅵ. 补全对话(10分)

从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话, 有两项多余。

A. Then put some yogurt in the bowl(碗).

B. One spoon is enough.

C. How do you make a banana milk shake?

D. Let’s make fruit salad.

E. Finally, mix them all up.

F. Put the fruits into a bowl.

G. How many apples do you need?

A:  1

B: OK, how  do we make it?

A: First, cut up some fruits like apples, bananas or a watermelon.

B: I like eating bananas and apples. How about three apples and three bananas?

A: Sure.  2

B: I have a big bowl. Here  you are.

A:  3

B: How much yogurt do we need?

A:  4

B: What else do we need?

A: Would you like to put some honey?

B: Oh, a little, please.

A:  5 Do you want to have a taste?

B: How delicious!

答案: 1~5. DFABE

Ⅶ. 短文填空(10分)

从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空, 使短文完整、通顺。

need, pour, put, finally, tell, first,

drink, minute, think, make

Do you know how 1 a cup of tea? You may 2 it’s simple. In fact, it is not. Now let me 3 you the steps.  4 warm up your teapot by 5 hot water into it. After a while, pour the water out and 6 some tea in the teapot. Next, pour fresh hot water over the tea and cover the teapot with its cap tightly(紧紧地).Then brew(泡)the tea for five 7 . Good tea 8 much time to brew. But the tea will be quite bitter(苦的)if you brew for too long.  9 , pour the tea into your cup and you can 10 it.

答案: 1. to make 2. think 3. tell 4. First 5. pouring

6. put 7. minutes 8. needs 9. Finally 10. drink

Ⅷ. 书面表达(20分)

西红柿炒鸡蛋(scrambled eggs with tomatoes)是一道家常菜, 它既美味可口又简单易做。根据所给提示, 以“How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes”为题写一篇80个词左右的短文。

原料: 一个西红柿、三个鸡蛋、一个青椒(green pepper)、盐、油(oil)


1. 将西红柿和青椒切碎;

2. 把鸡蛋打破(break)放入碗里并搅拌;

3. 往鸡蛋里放些盐并搅拌;

4. 将平底锅(pan)加热, 锅里放些油, 然后放入鸡蛋、西红柿和青椒;

5. 翻炒两分钟即可。






