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1.drive(过去式)   ——  2.pop(完全形式)

3.important(反义词)   ——4.so(同音词)

5.little(最高级) ——6.film(美式英语)

7.hero(复数)    ——   8.I (反身代词)

9.leave(过去式)   ——10.far(比较级)


but  different   much   with   more   nothing   only   night   long   into

Long ago, people in some villages in South China believed that ___1__ bad people were bitten (咬)by snakes, and that good people and children had ___2___ to be afraid of. This is not true. ___3___ it is true that people are usually bitten at ___4___ when they step on a snake by chance.

Snakes are of ___5___ kinds and sizes. One kind of snake is only as ____6___ as a pencil, but anyone bitten by it dies almost at once. Another kind of snake is ___7___ bigger and it can spit(吐) a kind of poison. If the poison gets ___8___ one’s eyes, he will become blind unless he washes them quickly____9___ milk. Some big snakes that eat animals like sheep may be twenty—five feet long or ___10__.

1.____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4.______________ 5._____________

6.____________ 7._____________ 8._____________ 9.______________ 10.____________


1. A: Shanghai is the biggest city in China.

B: Shanhai is ________ than _______ ________            in China.

2. A: Daniel has nine flowers. Amy has six flowers.

B: Daniel has _______ flowers _______ Amy.

3. Daniel has more money than Millie. Millie has more money than Kitty.

B: Daniel has the ________ money _______ the three.

4. A: Amy’s shirt is like Millie’s shirt.

B: Amy’s shirt and Millie’s shirt are ______ _______.

5. A: My backpack is exactly like hers.

B: My backpack is _________ ________ _______ hers.

6. A: School life in the USA is not the same as school life in Britain.

B: School life in the USA is ________ ________ school life in Britain.






