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(  )1. —I’m going to England for my holiday next week.

—Oh, great,__________, Jim!

—Thank you, Ann.

A. good luck                B. congratulations to you

C. sorry to hear that         D. see you next time

(  )2 —May I go back home now, madam? I really know nothing.

—No, you______. You _______ stay here till you tell us everything you know.

A. needn’t; haven’t          B. don’t; must

C. can’t; have to            D. mustn’t; had better

(  )3. —Must I stay at home for the whole afternoon, Dad?

—No, you ________ go out if you have washed your soccer socks under

your bed.

A. mustn’t        B. needn’t     C. may not        D. can

(  )4. Please be quiet, children , _______talk so loudly in the church, will you?

A. Don’t          B. Mustn’t  C. Can’t         D. Shouldn’t

(  )5. —You must be here at 5:40 tomorrow morning.

—Sorry. I __________be here so early.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t     C. won’          D. can’t

(   ) 6.We must ___________with these questions.

A. careful         B. carefully    C. be careful      D. be carefully

(   ) 7. He isn’t at school. I think he ________ be ill.

A. may           B. will        C. must          D. should

(   ) 8.You_______drop litter into the sea . It is bad.

A. can            B. should      C. mustn’t        D. must

(   ) 9.I don’t need _______to help me.

A. anyone         B. someone    C. no one         D. everyone

(   ) 10.Before I gave a watch to my sister , I ______ it in paper.

A. wrapped        B. wrap       C. was wrapping   D. has wrapped

(   ) 11.You can ask me _____ except my age.

A. something       B. anything    C. nothing     D.everything

(   )12 They can teach the girl ____________

A. how to dance            B. what to dance

C. which to dance           D. where to dance

(   )13. Boys and girls , you ______ do your homework at once.

A. would        B. can      C. should        D. could

(   )14. His sister doesn’t have enough money____ready ____the coming party.

A. to get, for        B. get, to    C. gets, for     D. getting, to

(   )15.I think it is very important _____ the children ______ careful with fire.

A. with, to be        B. of, be       C. for, to be   D. for, are



Joe was driving home on a country road one winter evening. He spent several months looking for a new   1   since the factory he had worked in closed. It was a lonely road. Not many people had a reason to be on it   2   they were leaving.

He almost didn’t see a small car   3   at the side of the road. He thought the driver might need help, so he pulled up in front of the car and got out. An old lady was in the car. At first she was worried. “He didn’t look   4  . He looked poor and hungry,” she thought. He could see that she was   5  . He said, “I’m here to help you, Madam.”

All the lady had was a flat tire (瘪的轮胎). While Joe was   6  , the lady opened the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she couldn’t   7   him enough for helping her in such a situation. Soon Joe was able to change the tire. She asked how much she owed (欠) him. Joe   8   thought about money. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could   9   that person the help.

A few miles down the road, the old lady saw a small restaurant. She decided to eat something and   10   herself up before she finished her trip home. The waitress looked young and poor. After she finished her meal, she handed a 100-dollar bill to her. When the waitress went to get her change, the lady left without being   11  . The waitress then found some words on a piece of paper, “You don’t owe me a thing. Someone once helped me, the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here’s what you   12  . Don’t let the chain (链) of love end with you.”

1. A. job    B. place    C. factory   D. house

2.  A. although   B. unless   C. because   D. until

3.  A. put    B. stopped   C. set    D. parked

4.  A. honest   B. safe    C. polite    D. nice

5.  A. excited   B. surprised   C. nervous   D. shy

6. A. working   B. thinking   C. looking   D. talking

7. A. pay    B. love    C. thank    D. praise

8. A. once    B. ever    C. seldom   D. never

9. A. send    B. give    C. pass    D. bring

10. A. warm    B. put    C. cheer    D. pick

11. A. watched   B. known   C. noticed   D. heard

12. A. see     B. want    C. say    D. do


