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What colour is it




step 1  Review

Review colours and dialogues SB L. 49, 50,51.

there+be 句型

Step 2 Presenttation

Listen to the tape to read phonics.

老师用投影仪打出这九幅图,先不图颜色。让一学生用图1做示范 练习说物品和颜色。并涂上颜色。然后让其他学生练习剩下的几幅图。最后听录音并跟读。

Step 3 Drill

Listen to the tape and repeat. After that, answer the questions.



There are five people in Bill’s family. They are his grandmother, grandfather, his father, mother, and he. Behind his house, there is a big garden. There are many red flowers in it, but there aren’t trees in it. In his bedroom there is a bed, a desk and two chairs. They are all brown. It’s a nice room. He likes his room.

Step 4 Practise



My name is X X X. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. We have a new flat with one living room and two bedrooms in a big new building. I have a small bedroom. I can do my homework in it. There is a bed, a writing-table, two chairs and bookshelf in my bedroom. They are all yellow. I like yellow. On my writing- table there is a computer, some flowers and some books. It’s a very nice room.

There is a garden before our building. There are many flowers, grass and trees in it. Behind the building there is a playground. After school we often play basket and football on it.

Step 5 Consolidation

Listen to the tape and repeat. Do WB.


Blackboard handwriting

Colour it red / green /  yellow / black / blue / white / brown / grey / purple







Favourite colour



Student A


bubbling with enthusiasm


讨论颜色还有那些是国际通用的。如:奥运会的五环旗,信箱的绿色,运动场上的黄牌警告,traffic lights, the Red Cross等。看哪个组列的多,老师可设一些奖励。



2. 假如你班有一位同学家新买了一套楼房,他得到了一间卧室,大约十平米,请帮他设计一下他的卧室。画好草图,并加文字说明。


3. 看看你们的校园,哪一部分设计的不合理,请提出你们的意见。画好草图。并加以说明。

4. 假如你家购置了一块地皮,请设计一栋别墅。包括:三层小楼、草坪、花园等。画出草图,并加文字说明。



1) I have something in my hand.  Guess what it is. It's white. I write on the blackboard with it.

2) Guess what's in my hand. It's white and it's square. You have it in your pencil-box. You use it to rub out pencil marks. Now, I'm sure you know what's in my hand。

3) Now guess this one. What's in my bag? It's round and as big as a rubber ball. It's red outside. It's sweet and good to eat.

4) They are of many beautiful colours:  red , yellow, pink, purple, blue, orange and white. Many of them are light-red, dark-purple, light-blue and so on. Some of them smell very sweet. You can see lots of them in spring and summer. When autumn comes, they become fewer and fewer. In winter you can hardly find them in the fields. Then they come back again with spring. What are they?

5) It is round and green outside and yellow or red inside. We have it in summer. It grows in the fields. It can grow as big as a basketball, or even bigger. It is very sweet and very good to eat. I am sure you know it. And you like to eat it, don’t you? Can you tell me now what it is?

6) What animal wears big black glasses on its face?

7) I’m grey and brown. I live up in a tree. My ears are short. My tail is long and curls up over my back. I like nuts to cat. Who am I?

Answers to riddles: 1.chalk  2.rubber  3.apple  4.flowers  5.watermelon  6.panda  7.squirrel

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