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1. What does Millie like to do after class?

A.   B.   C.

1. What is Simon's favourite festival?

A.   B.   C.

2. Which is made of cotton?

A.    B.   C.

4. Where are they now?

A.                 B.    C.


5. How many people will come to Lucy's birthday party?

A. 6                  B. 5               C. 4

6. Who bought the watch?

A. Lucy              B. Mike's uncle        C. Mike

7. What is Jim doing?

A. He's drawing a picture.

B. He's talking to Jack.

C. He's playing computer games.

8. What is the time now?

A. 6:00                B. 6:15              C. 5:45

9. What is John?

A. A worker            B. A student          C. A doctor

10. Why must the boy go to bed at 9:30 p.m.?

A Because he will catch the early bus.

B. Because he will go to school tomorrow.

C. Because he will go to see his grandparents.

C) 听对话回答问题(计5分)


11. Where is Amy going?

A. A fruit shop         B.A food shop         C.A bus stop

12. How many people are going shopping together finally(最终)?

A.One               B.Two                C.Four


Tommy's ____13___

At ____14____ in the morning He gets up.

At 9:00 He helps Sandy with English.

At 12:00 He has lunch with his parents.

At 3:00 in the afternoon He plays football with his ____15___.

At 10:30 in the evening He goes to bed.

13. A. Monday            B. Saturday            C. Sunday

14. A. 6:00               B. 6:30                C. 7:00

15. A. friends             B. father               C. mother


16. What does Mary try on in the shop at first?

A. A blouse          B. Some trousers         C. Nothing

17. How much does the blouse cost?

A. It is more expensive than the trousers

B. It is cheaper than the trousers.

C. It costs the same as the trousers.

18. What does Mary go out of the shop with?

A. A blouse       B. A pair of trousers         C.Nothing

19. Why does the shopkeeper run after Mary?

A. Because he likes Mary.

B. Because he wants Mary to pay for the blouse.

C. Because Mary left some things in the shop.

20. Did Mary pay for the blouse?

A. Yes, she did.   B. She bought it.    C. No,she didn't.

二、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

21. I have ____ uncle in America. He is ______ English teacher.

A.a; an        B.an;a        C. an;an      D.an;the

22. You can go to the library with _______ and ______ sister.

A.his;his       B.him;his     C. him;he     D.he;his


