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(  ) 1. China __________ famous _________ china and tea in old days.

A. is, for            B. was, as            C. was, for          D. is, as

(  ) 2. Do you often collect _________ litter or water ________ trees in your school?

A. much, much         B. many, much       C. much, many       D. many, many

(  ) 3. Does everyone read English ________?

A. on every morning    B. in every morning   C. every morning   D. in morning

(  ) 4. Class ________. Let’s go to play basketball!

A. begins           B. is off          C. be over      D. is over

(  ) 5. He put on his hat and _________ out of the room.

A. going              B. goes               C. go              D. went

(  ) 6. We ask someone the way, but he doesn’t know. We should say, “__________”.

A. What’s the matter with you B. Thank you all the same

C. Who can I ask  D. I shouldn’t ask you the way

() 7. _________ the bridge, you can see the school on your right.

A. Go across         B. Go cross         C. Across            D. Go

(  ) 8. The bedroom is clean. I like the bed. It is __________.

A. tidy               B. old                C. heavy             D. comfortable

(  ) 9. Last Sunday, I _______ shopping with my mother and _________ many things.

A. went, bought       B. go, buy            C. goes, buys            D. go, bought

(  ) 10. — Can you cook meals? —          . It’s difficult for me.

A. No, I can’t    B. Yes, I can’t        C. Yes, I can        D. Yes, I need

(  ) 11. She looks           because she has a            tour.

A. tired, tired         B. tired, tiring          C. tiring, tiring         D. tiring, tired

(  ) 12. —Who ________ English homework well? —I think Nick did.

A. spoke             B. speak              C. speaks              D. did

(  ) 13. I was very glad __________ my good friends.

A. to meet     B. meet      C. met        D. meets

(  ) 14. Mozart __________ many beautiful pieces and people still__________ them now.

A. write, enjoy        B. writes, enjoys       C. wrote, enjoyed        D. wrote, enjoy

(  ) 15. Dad had a traffic jam ___________ yesterday.

A. on his way to work   B. on his way work    C. on his way work    D. on way work


Mr. Johnson is having something wrong with his stomach, __1__ he goes to see a doctor. The doctor examines his stomach __2__ but can’t find any problem. Then he says , “Well, Mr. Johnson, Don’t worry. There’s __3___ serious. Stop smoking and then you’ll be all right very __4__ .

“But doctor,” answers Mr. Johnson, I don’t smoke __5__.”

“Oh, I see,” says the doctor, “ then stop drinking alcohol.”

“But I don’t __6__ alcohol,” answers Mr. Johnson.

“Don’t drink __7__ tea or coffee then,” the doctor says to him.

“I __8__ drink water,” answers Mr. Johnson, “I don’t like tea or coffee.”

The doctor __9__ for a minute and then says, “Well, what do you like to eat?”

“Potatoes. I like potatoes very much,” Mr. Johnson answers at once.

“All right, then stop __10__ potatoes,” says the doctor as he gets up to say good-bye to Mr. Johnson.

(   ) 1. A or             B but             C so              D for

(   ) 2. A angrily         B carefully         C quickly         D happily

(   ) 3. A nothing        B something       C anything         D everything

(   ) 4. A early           B much           C late             D soon

(   ) 5. A at all           B after all         C all the same      D as well

(   ) 6. A drink          B drinks           C drinking         D drunk

(   ) 7. A some           B many          C any             D little

(   ) 8. A will            B only            C don’t           D won’t

(   ) 9. A think           B thinks          C want            D wants

(   ) 10 A eating         B buying         C cutting          D washing

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)


He is quiet and shy. He doesn’t laugh very often. However, if you talk to him about music, he will have a lot to say.

This is Jay Chou, the pop king in Taiwan. He has large numbers of fans①. His fans are so crazy because he can sing songs very well, write many wonderful popular songs. He is the most creative singer.

Chou grew up just with his mother. He did not talk much and didn’t do better in the schoolwork at school.

His mother noticed② the boy’s special interest in music and sent him to learn the piano when he was only three years old. He loved it and practiced it every day.

“Chou is not very good-looking.”his large groups of fans love him,“but he never follows③others. He is just Zhou Jielun.” said Zhang Yujie, a student at Huaibei Middle School.


