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初一英语下册7B Unit 1基础知识测试题





1. I’d like to live next to a _______ (a place where a king and his family live).

2. What’s your f________ subject? English, of course.

3. Do you know the capital of France? It’s ________.

4. I like eating in Western r________ .

5. Let’s find a ________ (with little or no sound) place to read newspapers.

6. Millie ________ (have or use something with others) a bathroom with Kitty.

7. The cat ________ (lie) on the floor is Poppy.

8. December is the t________ month of a year.

9. There are some shops _________ (在……对面) our school.

10. I like sitting on the sofa because it’s c__________ .

11. Peter lives three floors a________ me.

12. There are more than two t__________ students in our school.

13. There are many kinds of __________ (书架)in the library.

14. Our _________ (a person living next to you or near you) are friendly.

15. There are three __________ (a room with a bath, wash-basin etc) in our flat.


1. There are many __________ (America) in our school.

2. There is a _________ table in the house. It’s made of ________. (wood)

3. Today is a _________ (rain) day. We have to stay at home.

4. I got a present on _______ Day. (child)

5. Don’t be ________ (worry) about her. She can look after herself.

6. Today is Kitty’s __________ (twenty) birthday.

7. Our classroom is small but _________ (they) is big.

8. Six is a _______ number for Chinese. He gets 1,000,000 yuan ______ (luck).

9. He has many _________ (build) and __________ (balcony).

10. It’s my ________ (one) time to visit Beijing.

11. She is a ________ girl. She always sits in the classroom _______ (quiet).

12. __________ (thousand) of students are playing in the playground.

13. His _________ (neighbour) are ________ (friend) and _______ (help).

14. I live on the _____ (nine) floor and he lives on the ______ (twelve) floor.

15. Peter has five computers at __________ (little).


1. Look, Simon with the girl in blue _____________ (play) badminton.

2. It’s hot today. Please ________ (not close) the door.

3. Millie often reads books while mother _______ (make) dinner.

4. Please be quiet. The children __________ (sleep).

5. I can’t wait ____________ (see) our new English teacher.

6. What are these models _________ (make) of?

7. It takes him an hour ___________ (water) the garden.

8. He often climbs a ladder ___________ (get) into his house.

9. I would like you ________ (clean) the blackboard for me.

10. __________ (not read) English like that.

11. Tom’s father _________ (watch) TV while his mother is cooking.

12. His parents _____________ (arrive) at our school in two hours.

13. Mr White asks us __________ (not play) on the busy street.

14. I dream of ___________ (have) a beautiful garden some day.

15. Listen! The music ____________ (sound) good.


1.住在木屋里_______________      2. 在莫斯科市中心_____________

3. 颐和园___________________       4. 故宫_______________________

5. 至少90米长______________       6. 在一条繁华的街上___________

7. 三百万个邻居 ____________       8. 迫不及待地要见你 __________

9. 和……不同_______________      10. 他的第四十个生日____________


(     )1. ___________ is in Europe (欧洲).

A. Thailand   B. France   C. Japan    D. The USA

(      )2. He doesn’t look like an old man in his _________ .

A. eight   B. eighth  C. eightieth  D. eighties

(      )3. My house is ________ a river.

A. above   B. over   C. on    D. with

(      )4. The room is big enough for us _________ .

A. to live  B. living in   C. to live in    D. live in

(      )5. Look, the little dog ________ a cat.

A. looks like  B. is likes  C. look like   D. just like


