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(a)This is Mariah Carey. She is a singer. She was born in 1970. Her birthday is March twenty-seventh. She likes singing.

(b)This is Lee Young Ah. She was born in 1971. Her birthday is January thirty-first. She is a great(著名的)movie star. She likes acting.

(c)She is ZhangYining. She’s a sports star. She was born in Beijing in 1981. Her birthday is October fifth. She likes singing.

(d)Do you know Bill Gates?He was born in 1955. His birthday is October twenty-eighth. He likes playing golf (高尔夫球).

(e)This is Li Lianjie. He was born in Beijing in 1963. His birthday is April twenty-sixth. He is a great actor. He likes reading.


(   )66. Who likes singing?

A. Mariah Carey and Zhang Yining.  B. Lee Young Ah and Zhang Yining.

C. Bill Gates and Li Lianjie.  D. Mariah Carey and Bill Gates.

(   )67. Lee Young Ah’s birthday is ______.

A. May 2nd B. Jan. 31st C. Jun. 13th D. Oct. 28th

(   )68. Zhang Yining and _______ were born in the same city.

A. Mariah Carey B. Lee Young Ah C. Bill Gates  D. Li Lianjie

(   )69. Bill Gates likes _______.

A. singing B. acting C. playing golf D. reading

(   )70. From young to old, they are ________.

A. c-a-e-b-d B. d-b-c-a-e C. c-b-a-e-d D. d-e-c-a-b

第三部分  写作(35分)

Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10分)


71. 我从不乘坐地铁上学。

I       go to school by        .

72. 你们的楼房有多少层?

How       floors are        in your building?

73. 我常常和同学们讲英语。

I often        English        my classmates.

74. 他们午餐后通常休息一会儿。

They usually have a short rest             .

75. 刘翔出生于1983年7月13日。

Liu Xiang was           July13th,1983.

Ⅱ. 句型转换。(每空一词)(5分)

76. Sometimes Dick and Jack go to work by car. (改为同义句)

Sometimes Dick and Jack _____ _____ work.

77. Excuse me, how can I get to the bank? (改为同义句)

Excuse me, could you tell me _____ _____ to the bank?

78. How many workers are there in your factory? (改为同义句)

How many workers _____ your factory _____ ?

79. The bus station is about 20 kilometers away from here. (对画线部分提问)

_____ _____ is the bus station from here?

80. Please close the door. (改为否定句)

_____ _____ the door, please.

Ⅲ. 书面表达。(A题5分,B题15分,共20分)


81. Maria, go, Cuba, ship, often


82. Bill, swimming pool, now


—Yes, he is.

83. three cats, tree


84. between … and …


85. What does the sign mean?

It means “_________________________”.


提示词:Children’s Hospital, all the same, policewoman, go across, turn right

要求:1. 对话人数为3人;

2. 所给的提示词应全部使用;

3. 不少于50个词。



1-5 BEAFD         6-10 BBCAB        11-15  BCBBA

16-20 ABACB      21-25CBCAB


26-30  ADCDC      31-35  DACCC     36-40  ADBBC


41-45CCACD         46-50 AABBD        51-55CACBB


56-60  BCDDC      61-65  CADCB      66-70  CDDDC     71-75  ABCBD


76. isn’t  afraid    77. gets  along/on    78. heard  from

79. used  to       80. trouble  learning



初一英语下册7B Unit 1基础知识测试题 


