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尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,由精品学习网为您提供的2014七年级第二学期英语期末考试试卷 ,希望给您带来启发!

一 、听力理解(共20小题;每小题1分)




5. A. It’s Tuesday today.                      B. It’s a June 3rd, 2010.

C. It’s quite hot, but windy.

6. A. He’s mending the bike. B. He’s a worker.        C. No, he doesn’t

7. A. Children’s Day.       B. Mother’s Day.        C. Labour Day.

8. A. Yes, I’d love to.       B. Yes, I would.          C. Yes, I do.

9. A. She was sixteen years old.              B. She is nice and kind.

C. She was very young.

10. A. Yes, I do.             B. Yes, I didn’t.        C. No, I didn’t.


11. A. Monday             B. Saturday.            C. Sunday.

12. A. Five .                B. Four .              C Three.

13. A. To go swimming,      B. To go skating.        C. To go skiing.

14. A. Two years.           B. One year.            C. Four years.

15. A. In 1918.             B. In 1919.             C. In 1990.

16. A. By plane.            B. By sea.              C. By train


17. When was my birthday?

A. This Saturday.       B. Last Saturday.     C. Last Sunday.

18. Where did we have the dinner party for my birthday?

A. At home.                          B. In a Chinese restaurant.

C. In a western restaurant.

19. What’s my mother’s favorite food?

A. Noodles.            B. Fried chicken.     C. Fried steak.

20. What did we do before the dinner?

A. Sang a song.                       B. Drank some tea.

C. Sang a song and tasted the birthday cake.



21. _________ a football match next week.

A. There will have               B. There be

C. There will be                 D. There was

22. Who runs ___________, Bob, Tom or Dave?


