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初一上册英语单元训练题:Unit 2 This is my sister





1.These are our______(friend).

2.Who______(be)these girls?

3.Ask that woman.I think it's______(she)bike.

4.______(you)books are in the backpack.

5.______(that)two boys are David and Bill.

6.—Are ______(this)girls his  cousins?

—Yes,they are.

7.These are my ______(grandparent).

8.Anna and I ______(be not)friends.

9.I have two ______(picture)of Sichuan.

10.I ______(be)your new friend.


1.—______ these her hats?


A.Is;isn't          B.Am;are

C.Are;isn't        D.Are;aren't

2.—Is this your ruler?


A.Yes,it is        B.No,they aren't

C.Sorry         D.Yes,they are

3.Is that your aunt?What's ______ name?

A.his     B.her    C.she     D.hers

4.—Is that her notebook?

—No,______ isn't.

A.it      B.that    C.its      D.it's


—The girl under the tree?I don't know.

A.What's that        B.What the girl

C.Who's that girl       D.Whose is she

6.—Is it his notebook?


A.It is his notebook.       B.It isn't his notebook.

C.Yes,it isn't.        D.No,it isn't.

7.—What's this in English?


A.It's my ring        B.Yes,it's a ring

C.It's a ring        D.That is a ring

8.Thank you ______your pen,Helen.

A.to      B.for     C.from     D.of

9.—Dad,this is my pen friend,Alan.


A.Thank you        B.OK

C.Nice to meet you       D.Good

10.My mother's sister is my ______.

A.grandmother        B.sisters

C.cousin         D.aunt

11.This is my mother,and I'm her ______.

A.teacher         B.daughter

C.parents         D.mother

12.This is Mr. Black and ______ is my English teacher.

A.this     B.she    C.he      D.it


—No,he isn't.

A.Is she your daughter     B.What's this

C.Who's this       D.Is the man in white your uncle

14.Mum,______ my friends,Dale and Helen.

A.this is        B.they is

C.he and she        D.these are

15.This is my good ______.

A.friends         B.friend

C.sisters         D.brothers


