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初一上册英语三单元综合训练:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?



Ⅶ. 补全对话(10分)


A: I lost my ring. Is it in the “lost and found” box?

B:  1

A: It is white.

B: Here is a white ring.   2

A: No, it isn’t. Mine is larger(更大的).

(A boy comes here with a ring. )

C:  3 Is this your ring? I found it this morning.

A:  4 My name is on it. Thank you!

C:  5

1.       2.       3.

4.       5.

答案: 1. What color is it?  2. Is it yours?  3. Excuse me.  4. Yes, it is.

5. You’re welcome.

Ⅷ. 选词填空(10分)


in, where, an, at, found, spell, lost, my, must, green

Hello, boys and girls.  1 name is Helen White. This is my schoolbag. It’s 2 . I like the color ve ry much. Oh, what’s this

3 English? It’s 4 English dictionary. How do you 5 it? It’s D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y. Is that a ruler? No, it isn’t. It’s a key. That is my pencil box. You ca n 6 a ruler, two pencils and three pens in it.  7 is my ID card? I 8 it in the morning. My name is on the card. I 9 find it. Call me 10 888-9998. Thanks.

1.      2.       3.      4.

5.      6.      7.      8.

9.      10.

答案: 1. My 2. green 3. in 4. an 5. spell 6. find

7. Where 8. lost 9. must 10. at

Ⅸ. 书面表达(20分)

假如你是吉娜(Gina), 你下午在图书馆捡到了一个红色的包。请你用英语写一则失物招领启事, 寻找包的主人。你的电话号码是 990-6332。要求不少于5句话。

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I found a bag in the library this afternoon. It is red. Is it yours? My phone number is 990-6332. Call me.




七年级上册英语Unit 2复习题:Unit 2 This is my sister 

初一上册英语单元综合训练:Unit 2 This is my sister  


