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(   )10. Do you play ________ volleyball?     A .a    B. the    C./

(   )11. _____ Tom ________ a computer?    A. Does,has   B. Does, have   C. Do have

(   )12.My brothe r_______ __ have a hat.    A. is not     B. don’t     C. doesn't

(   )13.—Do Lucy and Lily have a baseball?  —Yes,____________.

A. she does     B. they have     C. they do

(   )14.—Let's play basketball.   —No,_____________.

A. it's boring    B. it's interesting     C. it's fun

(   )15. I _________ have a watch.   A. am not      B. doesn't       C.don't

(   )16. That soun ds ___________.  A. well      B. badly     C. good

(   )17. That's an ___________ question.   A. interesting    B. boring       C. relaxing

(   )18. Let         play sports.   A. we   B. us    C. is

(   )19. _________ your brother have any apples?   A. Do            B. Does         C. Is

(   )20. We have eight ________. A. watch           B. watchs             C. watches

(   )21. How many tomatoes _______ you have?   A. are             B. do             C. does

(   )22. Let’s ______ to play basketball.    A. go          B. going             C. is going

(   )23.—Is everyone here today?    —Sorry, I _________ know .

A. am not                B. can not             C. don’t

(   )24. Where ________ their books?   A. is            B. am                C. are

(   )25. Jim ________ a good friend at school.  A. have          B. has              C. is

(   )26. Tony watches sports _________TV.    A. on         B. in         C. at

(   )27. ________they ________a volleyball ?

A. Does, has    B. Does, have    C. Do, have

(   )28. She _________TV at night.   A. watches       B. sees         C.  watch


Look at the boy .He is __1__ good friend.He is __2__ American boy .__3__ name is Tom . __4____ 12. My __5____is Wang Lei . ___6___ a Chinese boy . I'm 13.

Tom __7____a small sports collection . He has ____8____baseball bat , three basketballs and four soccer balls , But I only have ___9____ baseball . Tom and I _10____sports every Sunday .

(    ) 1. A. I   B. your    C. my                    (    ) 2. A. a    B. an    C. the

(    ) 3. A. His  B. She   C. Her                    (    ) 4. A. His   B. She's  C. He's

(    ) 5. A. name   B. book  C. friend                (    ) 6. A. I     B. I'm   C. She's

(    ) 7. A. have  B. has    C. doesn't have            (    ) 8. A. one   B. two    C. three

(    ) 9. A. a     B. two    C. three                 (    ) 10. A. plays  B. play   C. playing


