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初一年级上册英语单元检测题:Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?





1.—Where's my pencil box?

—I ______ know.

A.aren't    B.don't     C.isn't    D.be not

2.—Where are your computer games?

—______ are in my schoolbag.

A.I     B.You     C.He      D.They

3.The pencil box is ______ the bed but the schoolbag is ______ the bed.

A.in;on         B.on;on

C.of;under        D.on;under

4.The apples are ______ the tree and the bird is ______ the tree.

A.on;in     B.in;on    C.in;in    D.on;on

5.—Are your books on the desk?


A.they are         B.they aren't

C.it isn't         D.it is

6.______ is my watch.

A.These    B.Those     C.This     D.They


—They are tables.

A.What are they       B.What's this

C.How are you        D.Where are they

8.—Where's your brother?

—He is ______.

A.in home         B.at the school

C.at home         D.on school

9.—Is this ______ book?

—No,it isn't.I think it's Jim's.

A.your     B.she    C.it      D.he

10.I ask for some ______.

A.English book       B.English books

C.thing         D.pencil box

11.—______ is my skirt?

—It's behind the door.

A.Where     B.What    C.Whose     D.Which

12.There are many pictures ______ the wall.

A.from     B.on     C.about    D.in

13.Here are some ______ of Linda's family.

A.photo     B.photoes  C.photos     D.a photo

14.This eraser isn't ______.It's ______.

A.my;his    B.mine;his  C.his;her   D.her;mine

15.______,boys;you can win(赢).

A.Come in    B.Come to  C.Come on    D.Let's


My name is Grace.Look!This is a picture of __1__ family.A boy is in it.__2__ is my brother,Tommy.Tommy is __3__ the sofa.A woman(妇女)is in the picture,too.She is my__4__.She is at the table.My father__5__ in the picture.He is at__6__with his students.A plant and a schoolbag __7__on the table.The schoolbag is my brother's.Two__8__are under the chair.They are also my __9__.You can see some__10__.They are in the bookcase.

1.A.his      B.her     C.he    D.my

2.A.She     B.He     C.It    D.They

3.A.on         B.at     C.under    D.of

4.A.teacher    B.cousin    C.mother   D.friend

5.A.isn't     B.are     C.aren't   D.don't

6.A.desk     B.table    C.school     D.dresser

7.A.is        B.are     C.am     D./

8.A.rooms     B.key  C.eraser     D.baseballs

9.A.brother    B. brother's  C.sister   D.sisters

10.A.ID card    B.CDs     C.beds     D.plant


