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1.foot(复数) _______

2.long(反义词) ____



5.this(复数) _________

6. yes(反义词) _________

7 is (复数) ________

8.left (反义词)________

9. it is(缩写形式) _____

10.cold(反义词) ________


1. 五块紫色的橡皮

2. two big eyes

3. 她的名字

4. It’s time for lunch.

5. 一些牛奶

6.How tall is he?

7. 长发

8. I feel sad.

9. 他的钢笔

10. She has a s tomachache.

C. 用括号里所给词的适当形式填空(共10分,每小题1分)

1.I _________(be )a teacher.

2.He_________ (like ) eating eggs .

3.What is_________ (she) name?

4.We have many_________ (tooth).

5.They are_________ (hat) .

6.Her hair _________ (be) blond and long.

7.My knee_________ (hurt).

8.This is_________ (he) desk.

9.She is short, but I'm _________ (反义词)

10.I like_________ (short).

I .单项选择(共20分,每小题1分)

(   )1.It is __________ apple.

A.a    B.an    C.the

(   )2. ---What’s this ?       ---_____________.

A.This is a pencil        B. Fine, thank you    C. This is pencil

(   )3. This is my friend ,Janny and     is Jim.

A. it is       B. that is        C. this

(   ) 4. ---     is your favourite colour?  ---It’s red.

A. How        B. How many       C. What

(    )5. ---How are you ?        ---_____________.

A. Fine , thanks.          B. No, thanks.    C. How are you ?

(   )6. ---    hat is that?       ---It’s his hat.

A. Who’s     B. Whose     C. Where

(   )7. ---What are those?         ----     .

A. It’s a pencil         B. They are coats  C. That’s a coat

(   )8. ---Where is my cat?      ---There______ is

A. My        B. You       C. it

(   )9. - --This is _____sweater.

A. I      B. my     C. he

(   )10. ---Thank you.          ---      .

A. Thank you.        B. Sure.          C. You are welcome.

(   )11. How many ______do you have ?

A. potato             B.potatos    C. potatoes

(   )12. ---Goodbye !   ---__________ !

A.  See you later     B. See          C.See it           (   )13.---________do you feel?       ---I feel happy.

A. What        B. What colour           C.How

(   )14. ---______ is it ?          ---It’s yellow .

A.What’s colour       B. What colour       C .who

(   )15. Jim     a book.   It’s in the bag.

A. have              B. has               C. like

(   )16.---_____would you like ,please?   ---A hamburger.

A.What               B.Are             C.Do


