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I. 听力。 (20分)


(   ) 1. A. It’s a pen.  B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it’s a pencil box.

(   ) 2. A. N-A-M-E.  B. My name is Tina.  C. T-I-N-A.

(   ) 3. A. No, it isn’t.  B. Yes, I am.   C. No, I’m not.

(   ) 4. A. Excuse me.   B. Thank you.  C. It isn’t nice.

(   ) 5. A. It’s a box. B. That is my pencil. C. This is a map.


(   ) 6. What’s this in English?

A. It’s a ring.    B. It’s a pen.  C. It’s an eraser..

(   ) 7. Who is Bill?

A. Gina’s cousin.  B. Gina’s brother. C. Gina’s father.

(   ) 8. What color is Tom’s pen?

A. It’s blue.  B. It’s red.   C. It’s black.

(   ) 9. Where’s the pencil box?

A. On the bed.   B. On the table.     C. On the desk.

(   ) 10. What does the boy want to do?

A. To play ping-pong.  B. To play basketball.  C. To play tennis .


听第一段对话,回答第11—12 小题。

(   ) 11. What’s this?

A. It’s a book.  B. It’s a photo.  C. It’s a map.

(   ) 12. What color is Tina’s hat?

A. It’s blue.      B. It’s black.  C. It’s red.

听第二段对话,回答第13—15 小题。

(   ) 13.What does Bob have?

A. A baseball and a basketball.  B. A baseball and a b aseball bat.

C. A baseball bat and a volleyball.

(   ) 14. Where is the baseball?

A. Under the desk .      B. On the table.  C. On the desk.

(   ) 15. What does Bob think of baseball?

A. It’s boring.  B. It’s fun.   C. It’s difficult.


(   ) 16. Jim lost a blue schoolbag.

(   ) 17. A dictionary is in the schoolbag.

(   ) 18. Helen found a pencil box in the afternoon.

(   ) 19. Jim is Helen’s classmate.

(   ) 20. Helen’s telephone number is 566-7889.


