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Ⅰ. 单项选择 (每小题1分,计15分)

1.  —______ do you go shopping ?

—Once a  week.

A. How long      B. How much   C.  How often   D. How far

2. —How far is the nearest hospital?

— ______.

A. Once a week .   B. Two kilometers C. Fifty Yuan   D. Two days

3. Don’t read ______ bed. .It’s bad _______ your eyes.

A. at , to        B. with , with      C. on , for   D, in  for

4. Doing eyes _______ every day is good for our eyes.

A. exercise  B. exercise  C. health D. healthy

5.There are few _______ in the fridge, Let’s go and buy some   peas ,carrots and cabbages.

A. vegetables  B. fruit  C .meat   D. eggs

6. My mother wants me _____it.

A. drink B. drinking  C .drinks  D. to drink

7. Ted usually _____ up early in the morning,but yesterday he____ up very late.

A .get; get      B. gets; got     C. got ;got      D. get ;got

8. There’s______ ink in my pen. Could you give me some?

A. few        B. a few        C. little   D. a little

9.“We _____ go to see a film. We'll go to see a new film _____ next week.

A. sometimes; sometimes     B. sometime; sometime

C. sometimes; sometime      D. sometime; sometimes

10. It was late _______the night of october20,1999.

A. on        B. in        C. at    D. for

11. Pass my glasses to me, I can          read the words in the newspaper.

A. hardly B. really C. rather D clearly

12. —           do you write to your pen-friend?

— Once a week.

A. How long B. How soon C. How f ar  D. How often

13. Mrs. Brown isn’t here. She has to           her baby at home.

A. look at  B. look for  C. look like D. look after

14. Doctor Wang is good at. heart operation .

A. is interested  in B. like doing C. does will in  D. do well in

15. The young man traveled all over the world       he had a man-made leg.

A. though B. if C. as D. because


